
Nov 09, 2004 00:04

spent most of this evening in the LGI. larging with some injured people. Carly isnt feeling too good...i believe "bugs in 'er piss" is the technical term. anyway i dont really like hospitals, had to sit in a infected waiting area for like 3 hours, i'm deffinately gonna get TB or something ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

i_changed_again November 9 2004, 01:21:05 UTC
i'll be reet. thank you for coming with me. bastards nicked my blood and my arm's aching.

i love you too .x.


_all_for_you_ November 9 2004, 07:00:46 UTC
"i'm deffinately gonna get TB or something"

You're gonne get TEH AIDS!!!!!!!!!!1!!!1!1


_headlikeahole November 9 2004, 13:04:18 UTC
the nhs is pretty shitty. but they're the only ones who will look after try to look after you for free.


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