If you reached the top of Mount Everest, you would scream: Sunny Afternoon
The next time you stand up in front of a group of people, you'll say: Tune Up #2
Your favorite thing to say when drunk is: You Got Me Rocking
Your message to the world: Wrapped Up In Books
When you think of your best friend you think: Little Duce Coupe
Your deepest secret: Down On The Corner
Your innermost desire: Overpowered By Funk
***Your oldest memory makes you think: Build Me Up Buttercup
***Somewhere in your wedding vows, you'll include: Stairway To Heaven
***On your deathbed, you'll whisper: Rock n Roll High School
Your friends say behind your back: I'll Be Your Mirror
You say behind your friends' back: Doing Nothing
Your opinion of MySpace: Razzle Dazzle
When you wake up in the morning, you mutter: Stupid and Shallow
***If you found yourself lost on a desert island, you'd yell? Strawberry Wine
***Right now, your feelings are: Take It Easy
What's your excuse for reposting this bulletin?: Bookends Theme
Your life's soundtrack: Don't Panic
The day you fall in love will be the day that: San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Flowers In Your Hair)
Your farewell message to the readers of this bulletin: Price of Gas