100 Kick-Ass Female Characters: #21

May 05, 2012 19:31

21. Kathryn Merteuil, as seen in the movie Cruel Intentions, portrayed by Sarah Michelle Gellar

I love a good villain. As someone who frequently finds the villains of stories to be far more interesting and compelling than the heroes, a vast majority of my fangirling is villain-centric. However, outside Disney movies with evil queens, it is difficult to find good female villains. In Cruel Intentions, which is an update of Dangerous Liaisons, Kathryn could easily fall into the "evil queen" trope; Annette is the virginal princess and Sebastian, the prince who redeems himself in the end to save the princess. But I think there is far more to Kathryn than that.

Do not misunderstand: Kathryn Merteuil is a terrible person. But she is also a person who is very much trapped by the double-standards of men and women. Sebastian is a charming, womanizing asshole, and he is loved by those around him for it; Kathryn, who is much the same, knows she cannot behave as she truly is without earning disdain by all those around her. Her speech about having to be "Mary fucking Sunshine" 24/7 is telling; the traits which people praise Sebastian for are the traits which would get her judged. This, in no way, excuses the things Kathryn does; she's a manipulative, vindictive, destructive person with a whopping dose of sociopathy. But Kathryn is also smart, perceptive, charismatic, and unrepentant when it comes to doing what she feels she needs to do.

And, for a female villain, that's pretty kick-ass.

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