100 Kick-Ass Female Characters: #22

May 06, 2012 13:18

22. Bridget Milhokavich, as seen in the novels Sloppy Firsts, Second Helpings, Charmed Thirds, Fourth Comings, and Perfect Fifths by Megan McCafferty

It's known to pretty much anyone I've ever discussed books with that Jessica Darling is one of my all-time favorite characters ever. But, while I love Jessica and Marcus Flutie is the only ginger with dreads I've ever fallen in love with, I have always thought Bridget, her Barbie-esque best friend, has the best character arc.

When the series starts, Bridget is kind of an airhead whose main concerns are cheerleading, her boyfriend Burke, how fat she is despite not being fat at all, and her modeling/acting career. She has been friends with Jessica since childhood, a side effect of living across the street from each other, and, since we only see Bridget from Jessica's POV, she's initially presented as being as bad as the Clueless Two, Manda and Sara.

Throughout the series, Bridget grows more than anyone else, including Jessica. By the end of the 2nd book, Bridget is in a relationship with Percy (aka the most perfect boyfriend ever) in one of the healthiest depictions of a relationship, not just in this series but in any series. By the 3rd book, Bridget has begun to play on people's perceptions of her as a dumb blonde, given her starry-eyed, fame dreams up to become a Metropolitan Studies major at NYU, and is navigating her future with Percy. By the 4th book, Bridget is now engaged to Percy and, where once she was someone Jessica shared nothing with, is now one of the few people Jessica relies on for advice. And, with the 5th book, Bridget is marrying Percy and they are blissfully happy. Bridget is one of the few characters who is constantly evolving, constantly becoming a better version of herself, and she does so in a functional, drama-free relationship.

And, for YA, that's refreshingly kick-ass.

100 things challenge

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