Can I just swim upstream for a moment?
Yeah, I hate censorship. It bugs the hell out of me when people say that Brave New World supports a free love/free sex culture. Okay, you slept through class the day the teacher explained the real theme, didn't you? Admit it! And for that reason, I'm a bit bugged by LiveJournal suspending a journal like
lolita07 that (from what I've heard) did nothing more illegal or immoral than discuss a book which is certainly controversial, but there's nothing wrong with controversial. That's going too far.
However, a whole lot of people are decrying LiveJournal's actions in the last few days as the great Nazi book burning. And I'm not ready to go there. Yeah, I'm concerned about them going too far, but groups like
childlove and
little_children actually promoted child pornography. They shared realistic stories, not of people surviving abuse, but stories that glorified it. Okay, I find that disturbing. As the pervs abandon MySpace for fear of ending up on television, I don't *WANT* them in my communities. I don't *WANT* communities glorifying a horrific crime getting a foothold here.
So, what am I saying? Yeah, LJ is going too far because legally they're backed into a corner. However, I want the conversation to be about how far is too far, I really don't want LJ to throw up their hands and reinstate everyone because
childlove.... I am SO not okay with that.
Now, about people altering their interests. I found this except from an actual LJ abuse team letter. It makes sense, and I think that LJ is trying to be reasonable...
Because LiveJournal's interests list serves as a search function, and because listing an interest enables other people also interested in a similar topic to gather and/or congregate, we have been advised that listing an interest in an illegal activity must be viewed as using LiveJournal to solicit that illegal activity....
The interest in question here was incest, by the way. Check out the Femmequixotic for more information on how LJ is treating this legally.
Go check out the fuss
Catrinella (who's out and who's not) Liz Marcs (a brilliant piece discussing the problem with the next link)Warriors for Innocence (who might just have a point or two--but only one or two) Femmequixotic (How LJ is actually handling those who get deleted) ETA: Someone asked if
childlove actually promoted pedophilia because they were probably just innocent people getting caught up in all this. UM... NO. It's called the Wayback Machine, and it lets you peak into pages that have since vanished. Check it out
HERE. They should have been banned the first time someone complained.
ETA2: Holy bejeezus, this is getting out of hand. Yep, a whole bunch of
childlove guys are gone. Woo Hoo. However, HUNDREDS of journals of people NOT involved in pedophilia are also gone. And the Warriors folks are claiming some great moral victory. The
little_children folks should be gone, but WFI are claiming that they chased hundreds of pedophiles away. They chased twenty or thirty pedophiles away and then caught hundreds of non-pedophiles in this broad attack. This is getting ridiculous, and the longer LJ refuses to comment on their handling of this issue, the worse it's getting.