hee hee! I thought so! You should e-mail me your address so I can let you into those communities you were talking about....linderlinder at cox dot net...
Aww. Cute pics. You so completely look like my one really really good friend in the last picture. I'm deffinately coming to visit during the summer. I hope by summer perhaps to you journey to Allentown so you and Erik can rock out at what is going to be my completely fabulous graduation party. Jess will deffinately not be there. Have fun in SF glad it's warm there now!
Re: Cute picslitebrite7777March 13 2005, 18:36:59 UTC
i don't know dude, jess would have to be in california, and i bet she woudl show up if she knew rik and i were there, i just can't honey, I'm sorry.
but erik will be there definatly
and you and i can chill up here.
yeah sf is sooo windy in the summer, but liek i siad it's about 65 to 70 in march/april. my sister lives there and she calls me everyday to let me knwo the weather and what she's wearing. hah -E
Re: Cute picsbirdiebirdieMarch 14 2005, 13:44:32 UTC
ok ok. Now on the work computer the pictures are gone. Don't you ahve a paid account? You should use LJ's scrapbook! Just join the fotobuilder community to beta test the "scrapbook feature" Then after you've made the little pictures in your LJ folders, you can just select them to post to a journal, eh?
Comments 8
at cox dot net...
but erik will be there definatly
and you and i can chill up here.
yeah sf is sooo windy in the summer, but liek i siad it's about 65 to 70 in march/april. my sister lives there and she calls me everyday to let me knwo the weather and what she's wearing.
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