Feb 01, 2006 23:18
Erik Schoster, Derridean par excellence, hands me an article where Zizek quotes some other guy saying silly uninformed things about Derrida. Zizek writes that Andrej Capuder (upon Derrida's death) managed to write this without "the letters written turning red out of shame". As silly I think the passage is, though, I found it funny. Though grossly uninformed, it's a cool perspective:
The only weapon is rebellion and destruction, as the recently deceased apostle Jacques Derrida taught us. Wherever you see a window, throw into it a brick. where there is a building, there must be a mine. Where there is a high rise building, a bin Laden should come. Where there is any kind of institution, law, or link, one should find a falsification, a "law" of the street or of the underground.