I've started making my journal entries friends-only, because I'm not an idiot. So, you should get yourself a livejournal account and be my friend so you can view 'em.
The other day Neil and I were at a gas station, and as we were leaving we saw a woman and her little girl (dressed as though they were from the '80s) staring at a car. Then we noticed that there were 3 fluffy cats sitting on the back of the back seat. Not only that, there was also a dog in the back seat and two cats in the front seat, and
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So, it looks like I got a 4.0 this semester. WTF? I would've sworn that I was going to make something less than an A in quantitative analysis since that final raped me, but it looks like I somehow managed a 97 on it. I'm 99% sure that the prof misrecorded the 79 that I actually got, but grades are submitted so I guess there's no fixing that now
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So today, Neil and I were walking around his neighborhood as usual, when this car pulls up next to us and the guy driving (approximately our age) rolls down the window and screams "So this is your other boyfriend, Susan?! HOW COULD YOU CHEAT ON ME WITH ANOTHER MAN
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1. Neil(fish)! - My favoritest =D Probably the reason matt assigned me this letter =D 2. Norris, Chuck - His roundhouse kick holds the land speed record. 3. New Pornographers, The - A band I listen to a whole lot, and sing along with, especially while driving. 4. Novel - One of my favorite
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I saw V for Vendetta yesterday. It was fantastic. Please go see it and take me too. I'd even go so far as to say that it was better than Curious George. I know, it's shocking that anything could be better than an adorable cartoon monkey, but that's the truth. I was even inspired to shave my head like Natalie Portman, but thankfully Neil
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