stamped as alice//young adult lit theme (:

Jan 24, 2011 23:38

Name: Chloe
Previously stamped as: Alice (regular theme) & Matilda (children's characters theme) :)

~About You~
Positive traits: Strong-willed, unique, loyal, caring, funny, brave, daring, adventurous, sweet, gentle.
Negative traits: Irritating, nosey, tactless, distant, insecure, low self esteem, reckless, irresponsible, shy, lack of common sense.
Likes/interests/hobbies: Writing, reading, wasting time on the tinterwebs, daydreaming, playing piano, going out etc.
Dislikes/pet peeves: When people don't close the door properly XD drives me maaad! Also I can't stand bitchy/arrogant people, and when people judge others without even knowing them - it's pathetic.
What are some of your goals and dreams? Ehhh, I'm not really sure.
How do you feel about love and relationships? I've never been in love or even in a relationship. I'm not a particularly romantic person but I would like to fall in love; I just can't see myself ever feeling comfortable enough around someone for a relationship to work, and I definitely can't imagine anyone ever loving me; the idea is laughable.

~This or That~
Realistic or idealistic? Naturally idealistic.
Introverted or extroverted? Introverted
Adventurous or a homebody? Adventurous
Optimistic or pessimistic? More pessimistic overall. I have such a horrible fear of rejection in everything I do that I try my best to expect the worst, even if there is a small optimistic part of me which I try my best to stifle.
By the books or a rule breaker? I'm happy to break the rules but not just for the sake of breaking the rules.
Leader or follower? Follower
A tomboy or girly? More girly overall.

~You are...~
[/] Creative
[x] Imaginative
[x] Intelligent
[x] Stubborn
[ ] Intuitive
[ ] Selfish
[x] Brave
[x] Reckless
[ ] Resourceful

~Youth is wasted on the young~
What do you do when things don't go your way? Fall apart, but try not to show it.
If someone you loved was in danger, what would you do? my best to help them? I don't know what exactly, it depends on the situation.
How well do you respond to stress? Varies. I can be okay with it, but I'm also prone to the occasional temper tantrum XD
What would you say is your biggest flaw? Just who I am, really. Or who I'm not. I don't know, I just don't think I'm enough.

~An inordinate passion for pleasure is the secret of remaining young~
Do you read Young Adult fiction? Why/why not? I've read some, yeah.
Have you read any books on the list of options? Yess - some of the Gossip Girl & Princess Diaries books, most of the Unfortunate Events and (embarrassingly) all of the Twilight saga...
Is there a character you don't think you are like or don't want to get stamped as? Eh, not really? Not too keen on Bella Swan, but I guess we do have some similarities, though I like to think I'm not quite as whiny/boring as she is and I definitely wouldn't put up with the way Edward treats her, like his fucking property or something...sorry, those books just make me so irrationally angry, and I used to love them...

Is there anything else you would like to add? Nay. Thanks for voting ♥

And because votes are still a must…

ya lit: coraline jones

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