Title: My Big Fat Arashi Omiai (or How to be the Marriage Mascot of Tomorrow)
Pairing: MatsuJun/ Inoue Mao, Sakurai Sho/Horikita Maki, Aiba Masaki/Becky, Ohno Satoshi/Ishihara Satomi, Ninomiya Kazunari/Yoshitaka Yuriko
Rating: R, for implied sexual situations
Summary: Desperate to see more happy marriages and babies born in their country, the
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Comments 41
thank you for sharing :)
It was just SO much fun!
Thanks again!
i like the pairing JunxMao (tho i stopped being a Maotsujun shipper, but i dig this better than if the girl was Kou shibasaki. lol)
Ohno Satoshi and Ishihara Satomi pairing is a surprise for me coz I've never seen them interact with each other that much.
Yuriko and Nino hmm i've seen them together before in VIP room and they were co-stars in Gantz but I haven't notice the chemistry... yet... but this is good. i also like the pairing. they are a sexy pair.
Aiba and Becky hmm it would be nice if they see each other in real life. i'm okay with it.
Sho and Maki...? *i'm not hating on Maki but tbh i havent watch tokujo so i don't know if they have chemistry xP.
but all in all this is a nice fic. it made giggle and smile and laugh all at the same time :))
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