Dentist, work, and speaking to Mar

Dec 03, 2010 08:11

Ugh. Spent another three and a half hours in the dentist office yesterday - and the work still isn't done. One of the permanent crowns they were supposed to put in didn't fit properly, even with the mold of my teeth, leaving a slight gap on one side. Going to have to wait for them to make the crown again. In the mean time, my jaw is stiff and sore.

On the bright side, I've been managing these past few visits without having to get nitrous oxide before the shots. Still having the panic attacks, but the shot itself doesn't really hurt that bad. So even though I'm hyperventilating, I can at least hold still until the shot is done.

This is a good thing because I had to get four shots yesterday. They were working on both sides of my mouth, so that meant two shots right there. One side, however, didn't want to stay numb, so they had to give me another shot. Then another. Can't blame the dentist, because this isn't the first time or the first dentist that this has happened with. In fact, I think I recall a visit where I had to get five shots once. Fun, fun times.

We're really entering into the peak time of the holiday season. A lot of my coworkers were scheduled to work six days this week. Me, I only had to work five, but Wednesday I had to work the entire day, from the time the store opened to the time it closed, plus time to clean up afterward. As the CSM. Bleh. Not that I can complain too much about that, since the actual CSM has four nine-to-close shifts this week. Thankfully, they are finally planning to promote someone else to CSM position. They're just waiting for the final paperwork to go through.

Also on Wednesday, I spoke with a customer on the phone whose name was Mar. I'm not kidding. I actually spoke with Mar.

...and now I know that Mar is a woman, you guys. :>

That's about it for my random update on life.

random, work, jak and daxter, dentist

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