first day of torture

Aug 29, 2005 22:20

so, first day of school. very interesting. not so bad classes. not so bad. i think i might actually be able to handle myself this year. for some strange reason i feel really responsible all of a sudden. it's weird. met a gyu named lance that looks just like kevin. it's actually quite scary. he's my freshman. i love it. i als o met this sophmore ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

midnightxeyes August 30 2005, 05:43:43 UTC
hey rudi so I put my int. algebra book in your locker because for some unknown reason my own locker will not for anything open up even though i know my damn combination i dunno i guess someone fucked with it but anyways I put my book in your locker cause i panicked haha and i'll get it out soon I gotta talk to Joey or someone tomorrow cause that pisses me off that it wont open. anyways yeah just wanted to let you know so you werent like wtf is this in here. see ya tomorrow.


midnightxeyes August 30 2005, 05:45:20 UTC
p.s. willie is hellllla fine but yeah the lisp is a little creepy. hopefully he'll grow more this year haha


chillwon August 30 2005, 07:31:56 UTC
good look with junior year, im gonna call you some time, and we're gonna hang out, its not even an option, its been way to long


no_bullshit_bob August 31 2005, 06:55:23 UTC
is willy that little white guy? cuz i saw one today. and wes just got into english so jeez even more distraction.


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