(no subject)

Jan 25, 2005 23:20

a little somethin-somethin about everyone on my friends list, because..

_x_immortal_x_- nugget! you are my one and only g-nugg. we had some rocky times in the beginning of this year and that shit sucked, and im glad its over now. i would never want to lose you as a friend because you are like a little bundle of tiny joy that makes me laugh. and you are also a little bundle of anger sometimes who makes me laugh and tells people to shut the fuck up. i love you nugget.

angelofdeath69x- chela, my cupcake tits, what would i do without you? you are my partner in crime when im in mtown and you are guaranteed to make me laugh. no one does spoons quite like you and ill split a bottle of jd with you anytime. i love your new boy i think hes amazing for you and im so happy that he has come into your life. say hello from me.

candyynecklace- i dont think you use this name anymore but whatever. you are cait, friend of cait, which therefore makes you friend of me. i think youre really funny especially when youre plastered, but hey, who isnt?

crazeelanee13- aweena! you are one of my oldest friends. we had good times in elementary school. we were in the same class a lot and we were friends for awhile. you helped throw my going away party when i moved in 5th grade and are one of the only people who stayed in touch for this long. youre awesome and youre one of the only sxe people i know who doesnt make me angry just by living. thats commendable.

driveby_living- you are my other half, as we decided freshman year. youve been around for awhile and through multiple severings of ties and stupid fights. im glad that you and mike are finally together, as we all knew you should be, and that you seemed to have grown up a lot. im hoping to grow up sometime in the near future as well, with some luck. plus youre really skinny now and are taking good care of yourself, minus smoking, but hey you cant win them all. im proud of you.

grace_gettup- youre crazy. i love you and eric the fucker because he is my favorite, as we all know. you are a silly girl who makes me giggle. im so glad you got your license. now go get a job so you can get a car and come see me.

jessie_ohh6- babydoll you are one of my favorites. im so sad we dont have a class together anymore due to gym being over and cappetta being a fucker. i hope that when i get my car back youll call me up and we can go out to lunch and nonsensical things like that because i enjoy your company immensly. im glad for you that you have michael because he is good for you and you, in turn, are good for him. <33

mikemo- you are the boyfriend of my other half whom i wrongly cast judgement about in the past. i am overwhelmingly happy for you both and despite any former thoughts concocted in my brain, you treat her the way that she deserves to be treated, which is amazingly. so do not stop. and your writing is beautiful. and im sorry for any hostility.

missy_butters- you are my former captain (i am now a former captain-- wow thats strange) and you were a great impact on my hockey career. you were also an impact on my life because you taught me about leadship skills and people skills, and how to deal with a lot of crap. im sad you go to school so far away and sometime when you come home you and i should go eat lunch or something.

mulletsaw- melissa, you are so hot that i need wrap around sunglasses. remember? yea thats right i was the ultra cool one. you are part of the ohh6 with jess, and believe it or not i like you guys. imagine that! i love to see you at parties sometimes when you brother lets you go to them lol and i say dont listen to him ever because hes a fucker and we love you. when i get my car back i will bring you to alex and rays and you shall party.

ready2letg0- you are absolutley fabulous darling.

teenactor- scotty!! you are a former member of the oh so great drama club and i met you through coey. you are fantastic. im glad that youre having some fun at uconn. stay away from those big parties and the frats!! theyre bad!!

the_meantime- ari munz, what do i do with you? you are like a chameleon. youre always changing your looks and clothes and ideas but never your mind or personality. i love to see what youll wear next or what color your hair will be next, because often times you do and wear the things i wish i had the balls to do myself. we used to be bffs in the crew back in the days of 6th grade. id like to think, as you said, were both a little cooler now. <3 mad love

to0tsie_p0p- cait cait cait, you are awesome. i love you because you are my late night confidant. i can always talk to you eaither online or on the phone at anytime of night or day and i know youll be there to listen. not a lot of people get me, and outside of nicole, no one gets me like you do. you are extremely well adjusted considering your home school situation and someday youre going to go to college and be awesome. i love you <33

truthislost- we used to be good friends. we stopped talking recently for unknown reasons. you stopped talking to me and i think that i stopped talking to you. i think you hate me and i dont really know why. mostly i think you hate me because im supposed to know why and i dont. all i know is that it makes me sad not to be your friend.

twofacedmonster- you are hysterical. you kill me, really, and ive never met you but i love you. your personality is a lot like mine and the way you think and how you express it in your journal reminds me of myself, especially in the past when i was going through some really tough times. after a lot of angry or troubled entries ive commented and told you that if you ever needed to talk, id be there for you and you should know that offer always stands.

waitforthewrong- i feel sad that you and i did not talk for much of middle school and high school for some reason up until this summer when you came to alexs one night and talked about vietnamese war huts. youre funny and very intellectual and your extensive vocabulary makes me jealous often times. you live right near me, you should stop by and say hello =)

x0pinkxroses0x- i used to like you until you said somethings about my best friend that made me upset to hear. i wish you didnt do that because i used to think you were cool. now i dont and i feel sorry for you that you felt the need to do that.

x__gunvsgirl- cait, friend of cait, i already spoke of you.

x_loser_chic_x- you dont even use your lj you loser. weve been friends since sixth grade. weve been through a lot of the same problems in different ways sort of. youre one of the people who understands what its like to be this way, to be in that place, to take those pills, and all that. i enjoy that.

because who can really help it?
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