Stole from renee

Apr 10, 2005 10:55

* ever smoked marijuana- no
* smoked a cigarette- yes
* smoked a cigar- not a whoel one
* madeout with a member of the same sex - not make out
* crashed a friend's car- no
* stolen a car- negative
* been in love- hope not
* been dumped - yes
* shoplifted- maybe when i was really little
* been fired - nope
* been in a fist fight - not a seriuos one
* snuck out of my parent's house - yes but didnt do anythign fun
* had feelings for someone who didnt have them back - yes
* been arrested- no
* made out with a stranger - yes
* gone on a blind date - i dont think so, i woudl be too chicken i think
* lied to a friend- yes
* had a crush on a teacher- yes
* skipped school- yes but it has only been liek one class
* slept with a co-worker- no
* seen someone die- yes it was one of the saddest things
* had a crush on one of your myspace friends- i dont have myspace

* been to Canada- no
* been to Mexico- yes
* been on a plane - yes
* thrown up in a bar- no
* purposely set a part of myself on fire- no
* eaten Sushi- no i dont like tryign new things
* been snowboarding - yes it was painful
* met someone in person from myspace- no
* been moshing at a concert - no
* been in an abusive relationship - no
* taken painkillers - yes

* love someone or miss someone right now- yes both
* laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by- yes i love doing that
* made a snow angel- yes
* had a tea party - no
* flown a kite - yes
* built a sand castle - yes
* gone puddle jumping - i dotn knwo what that is so i will go with no
* played dress up-yes i still like to get all dressed up for ntohing wow i am dork
* jumped into a pile of leaves- yes
* gone sledding- yes
* cheated while playing a game- yes
* been lonely- yes
* fallen asleep at work/school- yes
* used a fake id - yes and i looked nothing like here..gotta love u of i bars!
* watched the sun set- yes
* felt an earthquake - no
* touched a snake - yes one of the worst experiences of my life!!!!
* slept beneath the stars - yes
* been tickled - yes and i am soo ticklish
*been robbed - yes damn rainbow falls and someone have my ss card!
* been misunderstood- yea
* petted a reindeer/goat - yes
* won a contest- umm..i am not really sure
* run a red light- yes but i didnt mean to i was confused which light was mine
* been suspended from school- no
* been in a car accident-no knock on wood
* had braces-yes
* felt like an outcast- yes
* eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night-no i think i woudl die
* had deja vu- all the time it freaks me out!
* danced in the moonlight- yes
* hated the way you look- yes!
* witnessed a crime-yes 
* pole danced- yes
* questioned your heart- yep a lot actually

* been obsessed with post-it notes- right now a little they are little As how cute!
* squished barefoot through the mud- Yep last week when it rained really bad
* been lost- yep it sucks but is fun to look back on
* been to the opposite side of the country- yes
* swam in the ocean - yes but i hate salt water
* felt like dying -maybe a couple times

* cried yourself to sleep- yesss
* played cops and robbers- yes but i think we played wrong
* recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers- yes when i get stressed
* sung karaoke- yea a long itme ago it wasnt pretty
* paid for a meal with only coins- yes
* done something you told yourself you wouldn't- yeah damn college
* made prank phone calls- yep oh the fun times we had when we were younger
* laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose- cnat say that i have 
* caught a snowflake on your tongue- yea
* danced in the rain- yea
* written a letter to Santa Claus- yes
* been kissed under a mistletoe- no
* watched the sun rise with someone you care about- yes
* blown bubbles- yes
* made a bonfire on the beach- no
* crashed a party- no
* gone rollerskating- yes i want to go so bad!!!!
* had a wish come true - yes
* humped a monkey -no but i want to own one
* worn pearls - no
* jumped off a bridge- no u have to push me i am so scare of height but i did jumo off a cliff thatscared the shit out of me
* screamed penis in class- no
* ate dog/cat food- oh gosh no
* told a complete stranger you loved them- yes
* sang in the shower-yes
* had a dream that you married someone- yes
* glued your hand to something- yes esp. when we were little with the fake nails
* got your tongue stuck to a flag pole- nope
* kissed a fish - cant say that i have
* worn the opposite sexes clothes- yes boys clothes are so comfortable
* been a cheerleader- yes
* sat on a roof top- yeah we use to tan on top of the house
* screamed at the top of your lungs- yes
* done a one-handed cartwheel- yes 
* talked on the phone for more than 6 hours-yes taht is insane
* stayed up all night-yes
* didn’t take a shower for a week- eww i dont think i coudl ever do that
* pick and ate an apple right off the tree- yes but i think only once
* climbed a tree- yes i use to hang out with all the guys
* had a tree house- no
* are scared to watch scary movies- I love them bc they scare the shit out of me
* have more then 30 pairs of shoes- sadly yes

* worn a really ugly outfit to school just to see what others say- I dont think so
* gone streaking- no
* played ding-dong-ditch- yes
* played chicken- no
* pushed into a pool with all your clothes on- yes

* been told you're hot by a complete stranger-yes it freaks me out
* broken a bone-0
* been easily amused- yes it happens a lot
* caught a fish then ate it- nope i woudl feel too bad

* caught a butterfly- yes

* laughed so hard you cried- yes thanks to danielle!
* cried so hard you laughed- no

* mooned/flashed someone- yes
* had someone moon/flash you- yes
* cheated on a test - sadly yes
* have a Britney Spears CD- yes the first one only
* forgotten someone’s name- yes but not all the time and i usually remember after awhile
* slept naked- yes
* gone skinny dippin in a pool- i think so
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