River wanders around. She spends time with Del, even if it's time where they're just kind of being near each other. Sometimes she goes into the woods and 'dances' with zombies, by which I mean 'dances with axes and the zombies lose'. She also likes spending time in the onsen, but only when it's empty or mostly empty. Other times she wanders around in the vicinity of Simon, Kaylee, or Mal, ostensibly being 'watched'. This is mostly to humor Simon. Sometimes she sneaks ninja-like into Ryuuken's office and just sits there silently in a corner, but only when the hospital is quiet. Most of the time she doesn't talk or interact very much, like she's off in her own little world. She also works on projects, like automail or drawing, and spends part of every day messing around on the internet. Her computer behaves for her because she has updated, reprogramed, and generally l33tified it in scary ways. She likes downloading music, television, and movies, although she views it more as reasearch than pleasure. River doesn't usually eat without prompting and doesn't sleep very much. She sleeps the most after she's been traumatized or if she wants to get Simon to sleep (so she sleeps on him).
Kaylee is more of a homebody. She spends a lot of time in or near the cabin working on mechanical-type projects, playing with Coraline, being with her cabinmates, etc. She doesn't stalk Simon as much as she probably should, but she does check up on him, bring him food, be sure he's not having a mental breakdown, whatever. She tends not to bother him when he's being doctorly, however. She also goes to visit Mal (and probably Robert too) fairly regularly, cause she loves her Cap'n. A lot of Simon's off-time (or when he can be dragged away from his work) is spent in cuddle-time of one sort or another. She sleeps like a normal human at normal human hours, and eats either in the mess hall or something that she's sweet-talked out of the sentient fridge.