I defaced the wall next to Bogarts.
The girls and I.
Meeting LJ friends is rad.
This is not Mike Carden. At all. Thanks, Sarah. I could have busted my ass while running around the building to find who I thought was Carden. And it wasn't. Psh. PS: Sorry for screaming in your ear. ♥
Tom and I
Me molesting Mr. Beckett
The Butcher's beard = Hott Sex
Carden is beautiful. Seriously. Shortly after this was taken, we proceded to do the "Carden dance" together.
Sisky is full of rage. Riiight.
Me...doing something. Maybe a mating dance. I was drunk, I don't have a clue.
We won't forget Tony...
...and Johnny, oh oh.
Chad's head. My neck. I'll let you guess the rest.
I mean, really - who falls for the merch guy??