Photo Story

Jul 11, 2008 16:07

Yet again, another chapter of the silly saga, "House of Pullip". Please enjoy. :D

Chapter 227: Just a Thought

*Toby and Alex are hanging out together*
Alex: It was so funny when Wolfgang shot the garter at you…classic!
*Toby shrugs*
Alex: And Shelby catching the bouquet and all…

Toby: Will you stop talking about it?
Alex: But it was funny! People will be talking about that for…
Toby: It’s not funny!
Alex: Dude, what’s wrong with you?

Toby: Nothing…I…I…
Alex: Are you and Shelby having problems or something?
Toby: No, I just don’t want to think about…marriage. And I don’t want anyone else thinking about me and Shelby…that way.
Alex: Like it or not, they will.

Toby: I wish they wouldn’t. Poor Shelby…the idea of marriage scares her. I don’t want her to feel any more pressure.
Alex: You want to marry her?
Toby: Are you crazy? Of course I do! I’d marry her right now…it’s just…she’s not ready.

Alex: Dude, it scares everyone. Did you ask her and she said no?
Toby: No, I didn’t ask, we just talked about it.
Alex: You should just ask her straight out.
Toby: I don’t want to make her do anything…
Alex: Do you really think she would say no? Well, it’s just a thought…


*Shelby has been confiding her fears to Madison*
Madison: I had no idea you were this frightened of marriage.
Shelby: I didn’t either…but when I’m suddenly faced with it, I feel completely freaked out.
Madison: I thought you believed in marriage?

Shelby: Oh, I do! That’s the problem…my parents have been married for 30 years but I feel like it’s an impossible precedent to live up to with how many people split up all the time.
Madison: You don’t want that to happen to you?

Shelby: If I get married it has to be forever or it’s not worth it.
Madison: Do you think Toby would leave you…really?
Shelby: No, but things change.
Madison: Shelby…

Madison: It’s a huge decision, I know…so please don’t think I’m trying to belittle your concerns with what I say next…
Shelby: Yes?
Madison: If you worry too much about the bad things that might happen you’ll never be able to enjoy life.

Shelby: *sigh* I know…I know you’re right…I don’t usually worry so much, but I don’t want to make a mistake.
Madison: *laughs* Well, stop worrying because you will make a mistake, you can count on that. Everyone does! The point is to learn from it and go on.
Shelby: *thinking hard*

Madison: You’ll never know if you don’t try. Just a thought…
Shelby: I need to stop being a wimp, is that what you’re saying?
Madison: Well…I was trying to be nicer then that…but yes.
Shelby: *smiles* Thanks, Madison…I think I know what I need to do…

To be continued...

We'll get back to Shelby and Toby soon...but first, a little background story that was never told in any photo story I've made:

After Toby fell in love with Shelby (and she with him), he gave her a key necklace and said, "You have the key to my heart." Toby, of course, wears the heart lock necklace. It was then they both knew they would spend the rest of their lives together...they are just taking their time getting to the marriage part of that deal. :P

I mention this little background tidbit because in this chapter they both fiddle with their not doubt who they are thinking about in those moments... ;)

I also created a new photo set on Flickr with my 2008 Hall of Fame photos here. The Hall of Fame is a little contest I run annually on the House of Pullip forum (well, it's only the second year I've done it, but I think it's fun and different). I figured I'd just link to the set so that this entry doesn't get overloaded with photos. :D
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