Photo Story

Nov 03, 2008 16:58

The "House of Pullip" photo story is back! I've got the latest chapter up and ready for you today, I will continue updating on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for the most part (I'm not that strict about it, but generally 3 days a week if I can manage it). Anyway, please enjoy! :D

Chapter 270: Distance

*Oki and Penelope are playing, Crispin is still keeping his distance*
Oki: Penelope, you are making yourself right at home, I’m so glad!
*Penelope smiles at Oki*

Oki: You know what we need? More toys…
Penelope: Yay!
Oki: What do you think, Crispin?
Crispin: Huh?

Oki: I think we should go shopping at get Penelope some toys.
Crispin: Oh…why don’t you two go.
Oki: But…I want you to come.
Crispin: It’s okay. I…uh…have to go do something anyway.

Oki: *disappointed* Oh…okay…
Crispin: Listen, you’ll have more fun without me and I’ll be here when you get back.
*Oki nods but is still disappointed*

*Crispin leaves, Penelope points at him and looks questioningly at Oki*
Oki: *tries to smile* Oh…he can’t come with us, sweetie, but we’ll see him later today, okay? Let’s go shopping!
*Penelope smiles*


Sebastian: How is your new employee search going?
Kiki: Frustrating…
Sebastian: Oh?

Kiki: I had a few promising applicants but when I brought them in for an interview I was not impressed.
Sebastian: Take your time, keep looking.
Kiki: I know…but the rest of these applicants don’t seem to have as much potential.

*Kiki randomly rifles through her applications, thinking*

Kiki: *picks up an application* There is this one...but I’m not sure…
Sebastian: Why not?
Kiki: She sounds very interesting and has a lot of experience but she also seems…unconventional.
Sebastian: That is not a bad thing.

Kiki: No, I just don’t want someone coming in and turning my store upside down.
Sebastian: Kiki…do not take this the wrong way…but you are not exactly conventional yourself. It might be a good match.
Kiki: Good point.

Sebastian: You may as well interview the lady. Even if it does not work out you will be no worse off then you already are.
Kiki: I’m glad I have you around to help sort this stuff out. You are right, I’m going to call her right now.

To be continued...

I also took a few photos of Sebastian, here is my favorite:

I love him tons, even though I never change him out of that black outfit. :P


Completely off-topic: Last week my newspaper had an article with the following headline, "Poll shows 23% of Texans believe Obama is Muslim". :O

Why...why must I live in such a stupid state? Don't get me wrong, I like Texas itself just fine, but sometimes the people around here are so clueless about things I just can't handle it (incredibly friendly, yes, but clueless). Obama is NOT Muslim...and quite frankly even if he was, should that really be such a big deal?

*end rant*
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