Photo Story

Apr 01, 2009 17:16

My Wii Fit played an April Fool's joke on me today...when I first turned it on it said my balance board was broken and then it said, "April Fools!" I knew it was a joke but I still thought it was hilarious. :P

It is my son's Birthday though...and I'm not kidding. He's 14... :O's the newest chapter of "House of Pullip", enjoy. :D

Chapter 333: Available

Jonas: My life is over…
Rayna: Stop being so melodramatic, your life is not over.
Jonas: Thanks for the sympathy.

Rayna: *sigh* It’s not that I don’t feel sympathy, Jonas. I’m feel so sorry for you! But…at the same time…what did you think was going to happen?
Jonas: I was hoping she wouldn’t break up with me…
Rayna: But…?
Jonas: I knew she would.

Rayna: I’m really, really sorry. I wish there was something I could do.
Jonas: I love her. Do you think I can get her back?
Rayna: You know how, it’s all up to you.
Jonas: I can’t marry her.

Rayna: Why not? I’m as confused on that point as poor Grace is.
Jonas: I…I…just can’t!
Rayna: Well, I don’t know what to tell you. I wish I could be more helpful.
Jonas: This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

Rayna: What I’m about to say will sound horribly cliché…but it’s true…if it’s meant to be, you’ll get her back. Until then…if it ever happens, which it might not so don’t count on it…you’re just going to have to find a way to move on.
Jonas: *sigh*

Rayna: I know…I’m not helping. But…in a way you are really lucky.
Jonas: Lucky? What are you on about now?
Rayna: Yes, lucky! Even though you broke up, you and Grace still love each other. You don’t hate each other. Did you leave each other better then you found each other?
Jonas: Well…yes…
Rayna: Do you know how rare that is? I’d call that lucky even if it didn’t work out.


Zander: Wait…what? You and Jonas broke up?!?
Grace: *sadly* Yes.
Zander: That jerk!
Grace: Don’t you dare ever say that again! Besides, I broke up with him…if anyone is a jerk, it’s me.

Zander: Why? What did he do?
Grace: He didn’t do anything; it’s more like what he wouldn’t do. But, it’s not what you think; he’s not a bad person or anything like that. We…we…just wanted different things in life and it was time to go our separate ways.

Zander: Let me guess…you wanted a real commitment. You know, marriage and kids and all that stuff, but he didn’t want to take it that far.
Grace: How did you…?
Zander: *shrugs* It’s not that much of a mystery, isn’t that what all women want?
Grace: Not all…but a lot of us want that…I guess.

Zander: But the fact that he wouldn’t take you up on that just proves he’s a fool. He’s not worthy of you.
Grace: I told you not to say that. Regardless of the outcome, I still love him and you are causing me great pain when you badmouth him.
Zander: Sorry.
Grace: I’m going for a walk…I just want to be alone for a while.
Zander: That’s cool, but I’m always here if you want to talk, okay?
*Grace nods and tries to smile*

Zander: Grace is available now…that’s…really interesting…

To be continued...

I had to put some weird humor in there, it was getting way too serious. Anyway, I'm skipping around from different characters a bunch but there will be more soon. ;)

I took Taryn and Felix out for some photos...because they just needed some:

Yeah...I think they are getting along just fine... :P

I call this one "Prelude to a Kiss". ;)

Thanks for looking!
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