Only read this new chapter of "House of Pullip" if you are fully prepared for an overdose of cute. :P
Chapter 334: Family
*Crispin is on his way to meet Oki and Penelope*
*Crispin sees Oki and Penelope and decides to watch them for a few minutes*
Oki: Crispin will be here soon, so we need to clean up.
Penelope: Daddy.
Oki: That’s right, Daddy.
Oki: So…let’s get all this stuff put away in the bag.
Penelope: Okay, Mommy.
Oki: …? What did you say?
Penelope: Okay…Mommy.
Oki: Oh… *she starts to cry*
Penelope: *alarmed* Mommy! Don’t cry!
Crispin: *steps in* She’s right, don’t cry.
Oki: Oh, Crispin…
Penelope: Daddy! What’s a matter with Mommy?
*Oki cries harder*
*Crispin picks Oki up and whispers in her ear*
Crispin: What’s wrong?
Oki: Penelope…she called me Mommy.
Crispin: Ah…
Crispin: Don’t worry, Penelope. Your Mommy is just fine.
Oki: I’m just really happy.
*Penelope looks confused*
Oki: I know it’s funny…sometimes people cry when they are happy.
Penelope: You’re silly, Mommy.
*Oki laughs*
Penelope: I love you, Mommy.
Oki: Oh…honey…I love you so much.
*Penelope climbs onto Oki and Crispin*
Crispin: I’m the luckiest man alive.
Oki: How so?
Crispin: I have two lovely ladies that I love sitting right here on my lap.
Penelope: You’re silly, too, Daddy.
*They laugh*
Crispin: I want you to be my family…now and always.
Oki: You mean it?
Crispin: Absolutely. Please say you’ll stay with me.
Oki: You know I would never leave you…ever.
Penelope: Me, too!
*They stay cuddled together for a long time*
To be continued...
Yeah...pretty self-explanatory there and not totally unexpected, but I had to throw in this cute chapter and there is more to it coming soon as well. :D
Current Dolly Wishlist (yep, one of these again, mostly for me and in order of want):
1. Fairyland Puki Puki Madeline--I don't know what happened but I want her...even though I thought Pukis were cute before but never enough to really get up and buy one. Now there is one at the top of my list...who knew?
2. Fairyland LittleFee Shiwoo--he's still there but the poor guy keeps getting trumped by the tinies! However, he will be mine eventually, that I know.
The following two are optional...
3. One more Pullip--Yeah, I know...that's really unspecific, but I know I want at least one more new Pullip somewhere down the line. This will sound really dumb but I want to even out the number of boys and girls I have, and right now I have more boys then girls but just one. You might wonder then why I sold the other Pullips I had then...and it's because none of them were really working with what I want to do (and I could just sell one of my boys sometime, I haven't ruled that out either and it would save me a lot of $$$). I just don't know which Pullip I want, the newer ones just haven't really excited me for a really long time, the newest released Pullip I have is Prunella and she had to really grow on me for a while. I keep eying Xiao Fan but the type 3 body drives me crazy and I'm unsure about her wig. That just makes it expensive to have to rebody and rewig a doll. I also like Marianne but her wig is totally impractical, nor would I have use for her stock...and she's more expensive then a lot of the others. I'm just not excited about any of my choices right now (and I don't miss any of the ones I already sold) so I want another Pullip sometime I just really don't know which one (psst, she would be someone I might want to match up with know, when he grows up...a if you have any suggestions on a good Pullip for him let me know).
4. A Dal--I don't know exactly which one yet but I'm partial a little to Jolie and Rot Chan, but I don't like the wigs on either so I would want to change that. I'm still really on the fence about this, really having a Dal would just be a nice extra but I won't be terribly disappointed if I never get one.
*note...there are no Latis on my list...are you shocked?!? :P