Here is the newest chapter of "House of Pullip", please enjoy. :D
Chapter 335: For Life
Crispin: I thought you were putting Penelope to bed?
Oki: I did.
Crispin: But…you changed your clothes…
Oki: Yes. I put your favorite white dress on.
Crispin: I’m not complaining because you look beautiful…but…why?
Oki: Did you really mean it earlier when you said you wanted to be a family?
Crispin: Absolutely.
Oki: Then…I was thinking…we could…formalize things.
Crispin: A white dress…hmmm…are you saying we should get married?
Oki: *laughs* No. I just wanted to look nice. Pixies don’t get married.
Crispin: Just tell me what you want to do to formalize things, as you say, and I’ll do it.
Oki: Marriage is a human custom. We could do it that way if you want but the pixie way is much easier. We aren’t nearly so…complex.
Crispin: So…what do pixies do?
Oki: It’s very simple. We mate for life.
Crispin: Mate for…you mean…?
*Oki nods and Crispin stares at her for a minute*
Crispin: You’ve never been with anyone before?
Oki: I’ve been waiting for that one special person…you.
*They smile at each other*
*Crispin suddenly picks up Oki in his arms…Oki giggles*
Crispin: Let’s get to it then!
Oki: You’re…okay with this?
Crispin: Yes…I think I’m going to like the pixie way…it’s much more…to the point.
*Oki giggles more and Crispin carries her off…to his room*
Zander: I came to check on your, Grace….are you feeling any better?
Grace: *sigh* I don’t know. It’s just going to take time, I think.
Zander: I could hang out with you for a while if you think that would help.
Grace: That might be nice.
Zander: You really shouldn’t be alone too much; you’ll just get overly depressed.
Grace: I know…and I’m starting to see that I probably spent too much time with Jonas anyway and not enough time with other people. Now that we’ve broken up it’s like I have no one to really talk to.
Zander: You have me.
Grace: *smiles* That’s nice of you to say. I could really use a friend right now.
Zander: I’m here for you. Hey, why don’t we take a walk together now? We won’t talk about…him. It might help.
Grace: That sounds nice. Thank you, Zander.
To be continued...
I think it's safe to say that after this point, Crispin's room will also be Oki and Penelope's room...because that would make sense (not that it matters since we won't be seeing it anytime soon...however, there is a character's room I'm hoping to have in a chapter next week. I'll let you wonder who that might be. It's not really important who's room it is, I'm just looking forward to a new setting to use for a few chapters).
Also, Zander is being nice...but you should be asking yourself why... ;)
Now that I've slimmed down the Pullip collection a bit, Shelby is now the one I've had the longest...and she's always been my favorite. I took her out for a photo shoot today, here is one of the photos (you can see them all on my
Flickr Photostream):
In other news: I used to play more video games but I just haven't had the time/interest for it in a long time. Heh, it happens when you are an adult (it sucks growing up...). I do use my Wii Fit faithfully at least three times a week and I will also occasionally play Mario Kart Wii, but that's really it. However, we just bought Guitar Hero World Tour for Wii a few days ago and it is so much fun. I don't think I'll be as into it as my kids will be (or are) but it is fun to play just for the heck of it...even though I really suck at it right now. I can do "easy" on guitar fairly well, which is fun enough. Maybe when I get braver I will try the drums. :P