Check out the newest chapter of "House of Pullip". :D
Chapter 344: Together
Nicholai: You’re awfully quiet today.
Rayna: I’m just relaxed…you have no idea how happy it makes me to be with you.
Nicholai: Well now, I like hearing that.
Nicholai: Are you sure you don’t want to practice swordplay or something?
Rayna: Why don’t you ask me what you really want to know?
Nicholai: Huh?
Rayna: You know what I mean. I know you’ve been avoiding asking me because you’re afraid I’ll say no…but you need to bring it up again, I think.
Nicholai: Oh…you mean about going to South America with me?
Rayna: You’ve have been avoiding the subject, haven’t you?
Nicholai: Well…yes…I didn’t want to pressure you.
Rayna: And I appreciate that.
Nicholai: I take it you’ve thought about it more then?
Rayna: Yes…a lot, actually. I have an answer for you.
Nicholai: *nervously* Okay…
Rayna: I’ll go with you.
Nicholai: You will? Oh, Rayna, thank you!
Rayna: On one condition.
Nicholai: Name it. I’ll do anything.
Rayna: You have to promise that we’ll come back here when we’re done.
Nicholai: That won’t be a problem.
Rayna: I miss traveling around, I think it’s going to be great…but this is home.
Taryn: This is nice.
Felix: Oh yeah.
Taryn: This is my favorite place to be.
Felix: My room?
Taryn: Your arms…silly.
Felix: Oh! Well, believe me, I like having you here.
Taryn: *sigh* I have to go though…
Felix: So soon?
Taryn: *laughs* Soon? It’s late. I want to stay but I have to work tomorrow.
Felix: You being here, it just feels…right.
Taryn: I know. I feel at home here is so many ways.
Felix: Please don’t go.
Taryn: Felix…
Felix: No, I mean it…I’d like you to stay.
Taryn: You’re serious?
Felix: Have I ever not been serious?
Taryn: Good point.
Felix: Please stay tonight.
To be continued...
So, Rayna will be off soon with Nicholai to South America (again, only in the story). I didn't really write this into the story but an interesting random detail is that Rayna a fluent in many languages (a by-product of her pirate days, it just helped to be able to communicate with anyone) so her skills should come in handy to help Nicholai. :D
And Taryn and Felix... *sigh* I just love them, what can I say? I had to use his room again for the heck of it and notice he cleaned it a little better this time. :P As for what else is going on in this chapter...well, I'll leave that up to you. ;) Er, but in the second to last photo she is taking off his scarf...heh (I only mention it because I'm not sure it's as obvious as I meant it to be). I'm going somewhere here...I know I always say that...but anyway, more soon. :D
Here is a bonus photo of Bailey in her new dress from Etsy (take two):
Notice the bodice is a bit different? I like it a ton better this way so I'm a lot happier now. Anyway, isn't Bailey sweet? I just purchased some little Lati glasses with red frames for her off Etsy today, too. She won't always wear them but I thought they would be cute, I'm excited to get those.
I also ordered an Obitsu body for my future Dita yesterday...even though I haven't bought Dita yet, it's just in the plan. I wanted to make sure I had a new body for her when I do get to that so it'll already be here when she comes. :P While I was at it I also bought some of those ninja (or whatever they're called) Obitsu hands, with the pointy finger, etc. So those will be fun to play around with when they get here.