Photo Story

Nov 12, 2009 20:26

Here is the newest chapter of "House of Pullip", please enjoy! :D

Chapter 414: Frustrations

*Wolfgang enters*
Bailey: Hi Daddy!
Wolfgang: You ready to go home?
Bailey: Yes.

Grace: Hello, Wolfgang.
Wolfgang: Hi.
Grace: How was your day?
Wolfgang: It was fine.
Grace: …
Wolfgang: …

Wolfgang: I need to take Bailey home.
Grace: Oh…yes. See you tomorrow, Bailey.
Bailey: Bye, Miss Grace!
Grace: See you later…Wolfgang…?
Wolfgang: *nods* Bye.

*Wolfgang and Bailey leave*
Grace: Hmmm…I don’t get it.
Oki: What’s the matter?
Grace: Wolfgang. He’s hard to read.

Oki: But you aren’t…I know you like him.
Grace: *blush* Well, yes…I do. But I’m not sure he likes me.
Oki: You said he asked you for a third date. He wouldn’t do that if he didn’t like you, too.
Grace: Then why won’t he talk to me?
Oki: Grace, he’s shy!

Grace: I know he’s shy, but he never had any trouble talking to me on our dates.
Oki: Exactly. It was just the two of you. With other people watching it’s probably harder for him…and with his daughter watching?
Grace: Maybe you’re right, he did say once it was hard when Bailey is around.
Oki: Can you blame him?
Grace: I guess not.


*Taryn is on her way home from work*
Taryn: Oh…that looks like Ivy…

Taryn: Hi, Ivy.
Ivy: *mumbles* Oh…hi, Taryn.
Taryn: Are you okay?
Ivy: I’ve been better.

Taryn: Laszlo, huh?
Ivy: *no response*
Taryn: I was shocked when he told me he was moving away, I can only imagine how you must have felt when he told you.

Ivy: You mean you didn’t know?
Taryn: No! Oh…Ivy, I would have told you if I knew he was planning on moving away.
Ivy: You would?
Taryn: Yes. I feel bad now because I encouraged you. I’m very sorry.

Ivy: *sigh* It’s okay. I always knew it might not work out. I don’t blame you.
Taryn: But I can tell you are hurting.
Ivy: *sniff* Yeah…
Taryn: I wish I could do something to help…

Taryn: I know it’s not much, but why don’t have dinner with us tonight?
Ivy: That’s nice of you, but I’d just feel like I was in the way.
Taryn: You won’t be, we like having company over. Besides, Madeline will be thrilled to see you.
Ivy: *small smile* Well, if you put it that way…
Taryn: Come on, let’s go.

To be continued...

Poor Wolfgang, he's just not the greatest conversationalist when he's not in a one-on-one situation and it's frustrating for Grace. I'm sure they'll figure it out soon. ;)

Taryn did promise Laszlo she would keep an eye on Ivy for him. Ivy is upset but I think Taryn has a few ideas on how she might be able to help her cheer up a little. :P

I hate the US mail right now. How long does it take to ship something from North Carolina to Texas? Apparently more then 10 days...that's just ridiculous and I'm sick of waiting. :\

Bonus Photo:

My 16cm babies are modeling the five new outfits I finished up today and listed in my Etsy store. :D
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