Photo Story

Mar 28, 2010 19:15

So...I did get this chapter of "House of Pullip" ready for this weekend...kind of at the last moment, but hey--it's done. :P Anyway, thanks for waiting and enjoy. :D

Chapter 444: Don't Give Up

Felix: How’s that song sounding?
Gideon: I like it.
Felix: I’ve been meaning to ask…how was your date with Ivy?
Gideon: It was fine.

Felix: Just fine?
Gideon: I had a good time, I really like Ivy.
Felix: Yeah, she’s nice.
Gideon: I’d like to go out with her again…but when I asked her for a second date she turned me down.

Felix: I’m sure it’s nothing personal against you.
Gideon: That’s what she said.
Felix: She’s just unsure of herself right now.
Gideon: She said she has “issues”.

Felix: She said that?
Gideon: Yeah.
Felix: Well, she’s always harder on herself then anyone else could be. Just…don’t write her off yet…give her a little time.

Gideon: Hey, I don’t give up that easily.
Felix: I’m glad to hear it. Ivy needs someone who won’t give up.


Wolfgang: Have a good day, Bailey. And be good.
Bailey: Yes, Daddy.
Grace: Today is the day for your field trip, remember?

Bailey: *excited* I can’t wait to see all the books at the library!
*Grace smiles*
Bailey: Bye, Daddy!
Wolfgang: Bye.

*Bailey runs off*
Wolfgang: Sorry I’m not helping with the field trip.
Grace: That’s okay, I understand. I’ve got a few other parents coming to help. It should be fine.

Wolfgang: …
Grace: You okay?

Wolfgang: I’m fine.
Grace: You’re sure you’re alright with me taking Bailey to the library?
Wolfgang: Of course, there’s no reason she shouldn’t go. I’m sure she’ll love it. I’d better get to work.
Grace: Same here, see you later!

To be continued...

So the good news is Gideon isn't about to give up on Ivy. We'll see soon how he tries to win her over. And Wolfgang is obviously struggling with...something. But what exactly is going on with him will come up later.

Bonus Photo:

It's bright blue-eyed girl. She's been wearing the same pink dress for a really long time, so I finally changed her outfit yesterday and took a few photos took and are long overdue.
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