Yes, another installment so soon :P I can't help, I'm just excited about this story and want to share. Anyway, here it is...
Part 9
Rayna: *sniff*, that's what happened.
Shelby: Oh, honey... *comforts*
Toby: Have you talked to Alex yet?
Rayna: No, but I know I have to...and soon.
Toby: I don't know what to tell you, Rayna.
Rayna: It's okay. I wasn't really looking for advice, I just wanted someone to talk to.
Shelby: I'm sure Alex and Madison didn't mean any harm.
Rayna: That's just it, I know they didn't do anything wrong. That's not what's bothering me.
Shelby: Then what is?
Rayna: *sigh* There's just something I need to do...I've been trying to ignore it, but I can't any longer...I know it's for the best, I really don't want to, but I know I have to now...
Tanith: This Sebastian fellow has really gotten under your skin, hasn't he?
Paige: I don't know why I'm letting him get to me like this, but I find him so annoying!
Tanith: You're probably making a bigger deal over him than you need to. First impressions aren't always the best.
Paige: I guess, but I'll bet I'm right about this guy.
*Flutterfly appears*
Flutterfly: - - -
Paige: He's very excited about something, what is it?
Tanith: He keeps saying, "He's here! He's here!"
Paige: Who's here?
Tanith: I have no idea.
Alex: Where did Rayna go?
*Sebastian approaches Alex cautiously*
Sebastian: Excuse me...Alex?
Alex: Whoa,'re not coming to do more spellwork on me, are you?
Sebastian: No, I promise. In fact I wanted to apologize.
Alex: Oh.
Sebastian: I am sorry, I thought you were someone else.
Alex: Yeah, Madison kind of explained it to me. If I could do magic I'd use it to protect my sister, too.
Sebastian: Thank you for understanding.
Alex: *shrugs shoulders* No problem.
Alex: You must love Madison a lot.
Sebastian: I do. Don't you love your sister?
Alex: Of course! I just don't think about it that much.
Sebastian: You should. Treasure your sister, do whatever it takes to keep her safe.
Alex: ...okay...
*Rayna enters*
Rayna: Alex?
Alex: Rayna, there you are! I've been looking everywhere for you.
Sebastian: I should leave. Thank you again, Alex. And don't forget what I said about your sister.
Alex: Er...I won't.
*Sebastian leaves*
Rayna: What was that all about?
Alex: Nothing, he was just apologizing for the whole turtle thing.
Rayna: Oh, that was nice.
Alex: Yeah. So, what's up?
Rayna: We need to talk...
To be continued...
On another topic: Does anyone have an idea of a "fair" price that a nude Afternoon Pullip would go for? I'm looking to buy, not seller offered her to me at a specific price, but I thought it was way too high, so I'm thinking of making a counteroffer...I want to be fair, and not greedy, but I also don't want to be taken for a ride and know when to say "no thanks". Any thoughts are much appreciated :D