A new chapter of "House of Pullip" is ready, please enjoy! :D
Chapter 125: Try Again
Bo: I saw you with Madison.
Sabrina: Of course you did.
Bo: It went very well.
Sabrina: If you say so.
Bo: Your feelings are nothing to be embarrassed about.
Sabrina: Whatever.
Bo: What’s the matter?
Sabrina: As if you don’t know.
Bo: I do know. I’d just rather hear you tell me. One thing you need to learn is how to communicate your feelings…not everyone can read your mind.
Sabrina: *sigh* Fine. I think this whole thing is stupid! I don’t see the point of any of this.
Bo: You aren’t giving it much of a chance, are you? We only just started.
Sabrina: Hmph.
Bo: I suppose I need to add patience to the list of things you need to work on.
Sabrina: Whatever.
Bo: Tell me what you want…out loud.
Sabrina: I already told you, I want a man!
Bo: No you don’t.
Sabrina: What? Yes, I do!
Bo: It’s more than that…you want to be loved.
Sabrina: What’s the difference?
Bo: There’s a big difference…in fact…I think there is something you need to see.
Sabrina: *impatient* Now what?
Bo: You need to see the difference between having a man and being loved…come on!
Sabrina: *sighs and reluctantly follows Bo*
Zander: *tentative* Rayna?
Rayna: Oh…it’s you.
Zander: Erm…I know you probably don’t like me…
Rayna: I like you just fine.
Zander: Then you are probably mad at me.
Rayna: …Maybe a little.
Zander: Listen…I need to apologize.
Zander: I…said some dumb things…er…I mean I asked you some stupid questions. I was being thoughtless and I’m sorry.
Rayna: I…don’t know what to say.
Zander: Maybe we can try this again…you know, start over and I can try to get it right this time. That is if you’ll give me another chance to try and not to make a fool out of myself…
Rayna: *tries not to smile* Um, okay.
Zander: Hi, I’m Zander, I'm kind of new here.
Rayna: I’m Rayna. It’s nice to meet you.
Zander: Nice to meet you, too.
*They smile at each other*
To be continued...
In the next chapter we will see what Bo wants to show Sabrina... :D
Also, just a bit of a warning: "House of Pullip" (the photo story) will be going on a brief hiatus while I am on vacation between Christmas and New Years. I will probably be able to get online, just not update my story...but I probably won't be writing here on lj much. I will be able to get at least one more chapter up (but maybe two) before it goes on hiatus, but I'll leave some teasers behind so you know what to expect in "House of Pullip" next year!
And here is a photo of Rayna I took while I was out...because she is special: