First up, the newest chapter of "House of Pullip". Thanks for waiting a bit for me to get this up...but I am feeling a tiny bit better. My voice is shot though, I either sound like a man or a teenage boy going through the voice change during puberty (especially when my voice cracks, it's lovely :P). Anyway, here's the story:
Chapter 129: Sneak Peek
*Roxanne and Shiloh are on their way to “The Sweet Shoppe”*
Roxanne: Thanks again for coming with me.
Shiloh: Not at all…this is exciting!
Roxanne: How was it meeting Hawk’s parents? I know you were really nervous about that.
Shiloh: I was nervous, but it was fine. His parents are really nice. Hawk has his mother’s eyes and his father’s hair.
Roxanne: *laughs*
*Just outside the store Roxanne stops*
Roxanne: Shiloh, before we go in there’s something you need to know…
Shiloh: Are you okay?
Roxanne: I’m just really worried about this dress…if I don’t like it I think I might get really upset. I just wanted to warn you in case that happens…I think that’s why I wanted you with me…just in case this doesn’t work out I need a friend’s shoulder to cry on.
Shiloh: Come on, it will be okay. Let’s just go in and see how it goes…I’ll be with you, don’t worry!
Kiki: Roxanne! Welcome back, I’m really glad you are here. The dress looks lovely; I can’t wait to have you try it on. I set it up in a dressing room in the back, you can change there. Just let me know if you need any help.
Shiloh: Make sure you come out and show us, okay?
Roxanne: *gulp* Okay…
Shiloh: Hey, don’t worry…it will be fine.
*Roxanne goes in the back to change*
Kiki: You look familiar…have you been in my store before?
Shiloh: Yes I have, I bought my boyfriend a gift here a while back.
Kiki: That’s right; I remember now…the green charm.
Shiloh: That’s right.
Kiki: Your necklace…I sold that to an interesting man with golden eyes.
Shiloh: You must be thinking of Hawk, my boyfriend. He gave this to me for Christmas.
Kiki: He was here for a very long time looking at the jewelry. He wanted to be certain he picked out “just the right one”. It was very sweet!
Shiloh: *blush* I love this necklace.
Kiki: *smiles* I’m glad to hear it.
Roxanne’s voice: I have the dress on…can I come out and show you?
Kiki: Please do!
Shiloh: Of course, Roxanne…I’m dying to see it!
*Roxanne comes out from the back*
Shiloh: *gasp*
Kiki: *smiles*
Roxanne: *nervous* Well…what do you think?
Shiloh: Oh, Roxanne…I really love it! It’s perfect for you, I think.
Kiki: I agree, it is a gorgeous dress and it looks wonderful on you.
Shiloh: The real question is…what do you think, Roxanne?
Roxanne: I…love it! It’s just what I want…it’s perfect! *ecstatic*
Shiloh: I’m relieved to hear you say that!
Kiki: I can send it out to alterations for you so you can get that perfect fit.
Roxanne: Thank you. That would be great.
Kiki: Just so you know, if you need a caterer for you wedding I also specialize in that service.
Roxanne: Oh, thank you. But a man who lives in the same house as us is already helping us with the catering. But…I’ll mention you to him in case he needs help.
Kiki: That’s nice of you…um…who is it that is helping you?
Roxanne: Maybe you know him, his name is Ronan.
Kiki: Oh…yes…I do know him. He’s…quite the gentleman.
Roxanne: *smiles* Yes, he is. Well, I’m going to go back and change out of this dress…
*Outside the store…someone has been spying...*
Paige: Well done, Melodie! Did you see how happy she was? You are doing an excellent job.
Melodie: *excited* That was really fun, it makes me happy to see her so happy!
To be continued...
Yeah...Roxanne's dress is from Blanche's stock. I know it's not a "wedding" dress, but the simple romantic style fits Roxanne's personality perfectly.
I also have a few more photos to share, take a look:
Yep, Calfy is here! She's my first, and probably only, mini. I'm glad I picked her, she's really cute. :D
Right now I'm calling her "Moo" (it's a play on the name "Boo", like the little girl in Monster's Inc., and the fact that she is dressed like a little cow), but I don't know if I'll keep that name in the long run...who knows? Her face says "sneaky" to me...can't you just see her teaming up with Sabrina to cause all sorts of trouble? :P
Moo's traveling companion also unnamed Missionary. His face is great...his hair is not, so I covered it with a Princess Chuchi hat. Believe it or not I meant to just leave him in his box until his new wig came...yeah, that lasted about five minutes. :P
I'm not a huge fan of his "evil priest" look, heh, so I didn't bother with his cape, robe, and staff thing. His pants and boots are really awesome though.
I love his eye color (yay blue!) but I didn't know he had glitter in his eyes (it's gold). I've got a few names in mind but I haven't narrowed it down to one yet, it's a work in progress.
Melodie is trying out Ivy's glasses since Annike stole my Panda glasses for herself. I like them better on her then I do on Ivy, I think, but I don't think Melodie will wear them all the time because it seems like a shame to cover up her pretty eyes.
Thanks for looking!