The newest chapter of "House of Pullip" is ready for your enjoyment. :D
Chapter 154: The Other Guy
Bo: You know…I have to admit…you’ve done well.
Sabrina: Oh, yeah?
Bo: Yes. I knew you could do it if you just tried.
Sabrina: Does this mean you will be leaving me soon?
Bo: *laughs* No such luck for you, my dear. There is still plenty of room for improvement. I want to see how far you can take your new friendship with Ivy. And I want to stick around a see if you can actually be friends with that Felix fellow without making moves on him or something.
Sabrina: Oh…darn. *sulks*
Bo: You aren’t having any fun with me?
Sabrina: *grudgingly* Well…maybe some…
Bo: Hmmm…
*Rayna and Nicholai have just finished a practice session*
Rayna: You know, Nicholai, I’m so glad you suggested doing these practices together. I’m really having fun.
Nicholai: So am I. I’m glad to have met you.
*Rayna and Nicholai continue chatting, but they are being watched by Zander*
Zander: Rayna’s always with that guy… *grumble*
Nicholai: Are you thinking less about…that other guy you used to practice with?
Rayna: His name is Sebastian, and yes. I have been thinking less about him. It’s hard but keeping busy is really helping. What about Bo?
Nicholai: Same. I still have feelings for her, but I don’t worry about it so much anymore. I look forward to being with you.
Rayna: *blush*
Nicholai: Sorry…didn’t mean to embarrass you.
Rayna: It’s okay. I…I am glad we’re friends.
Nicholai: Yeah. *smiles*
*Rayna and Nicholai finish their conversation and part for the day*
Zander: Here she comes…
*As Rayna is walking away from Nicholai she runs into Zander*
Zander: Hey, Rayna!
Rayna: Oh…hi, Zander. What are you doing?
Zander: Waiting for you.
Rayna: Why?
Zander: I just like hanging around with you…but you’re always with that other guy.
Rayna: Yeah, he’s a friend of mine.
Zander: He’s not your boyfriend?
Rayna: What is your point?
Zander: I’m just wondering.
Rayna: No, he’s a friend…but at least he doesn’t stare at other girls and talk about how pretty they are when we are together.
Zander: …
Zander: I did that, didn’t I?
Rayna: Uh, yeah!
Zander: Oh man, sorry about that.
Rayna: Whatever.
Zander: Aw, please don’t be mad.
Rayna: Listen, I’m not mad…anymore. But you didn’t think at all about how it made me feel at the time, did you?
Zander: *mumbles* I guess not.
Rayna: My point exactly.
Zander: …
Rayna: I gotta go, Zander.
Zander: Yeah…okay…bye.
*Rayna leaves, Zander sulks*
To be continued...
Unfortunately for Zander, he reminds Rayna a little bit of her first boyfriend, Alex. Alex asked out/dated every other girl in the house (who was available) before asking Rayna out. She was very hurt that she was "last"...and Zander's escapades aren't exactly a secret. Rayna does not think she is very pretty, but she does not want to be reminded that she might be inferior by some dumb guy who is insensitive to that fact. She is much more confident than she used to be, but she still isn't sure she's worthy of being loved properly. Yet at the same time, she isn't going to allow some guy to come along and walk all over her. If she isn't feeling like she is being treated properly she isn't going to just sit back and take it.
Anyway, thought I'd clear that up because it's too hard to explain in the story and the other stuff happened so long ago I doubt many readers recall it or know about it. :D
Bonus Photos:
Ivy's new Obitsu came today, she is trying it out and enjoying it, I think. ;)
I got her an SBH-large bust. I didn't originally intend to get her a large busted body, but when I went to order there were no medium busts available (and I've had much better luck with SBH then any other style, so I didn't want a different style). I wasn't sure a small bust was right for her so I just though "whatever" and got a large bust. It's large, but not SB2 large so I think it's okay. I think she looks good.
One more, because I had to get that close up of her face. :P
Thanks for looking!