Photo Story

May 21, 2008 17:05

I have to new chapter of "House of Pullip" all ready for you. I'm staying with the current plot for the next few chapters, then I promise we will take a look at what some other characters are up to...just so you know. ;)

Chapter 201: The Last Straw

*Sebastian has come to “The Sweet Shoppe” for afternoon tea*
Kiki: *avoids looking at Sebastian*
Sebastian: …

Sebastian: Is something bothering you?
Kiki: No, I’m fine.
Sebastian: You are certain?
Kiki: Yes.

Kiki: …
Sebastian: You look sad…
Kiki: I’m not…I’m just…thinking…
Sebastian: Please tell me what is wrong. You were so happy yesterday.

Kiki: I’m sorry…it’s just…I don’t know…
Sebastian: *encourages her to continue* Yes?
Kiki: This isn’t a…mistake, is it? You and me, I mean…

Sebastian: *sets his tea down* I do not think it is a mistake…do you?
Kiki: No! I just…want to be sure.
Sebastian: This was not troubling you before, why now?
Kiki: *hesitates* Well…
Sebastian: Kiki, please?

Kiki: Ronan was here…
Sebastian: *stiffens* I should have known. What did he say to you this time?
Kiki: Most if it was ridiculous…
Sebastian: Regardless, I want to know what he said.

Kiki: First he said I must have tricked you somehow to get you to want to be with me.
Sebastian: Ridiculous, indeed. I would like to think I am intelligent enough to be able to spot such foolishness…not to mention you would not do that.
Kiki: Of course not!
Sebastian: Also, if memory serves, I am the one who initiated this relationship… *smiles*
Kiki: That’s true.

Sebastian: What else did he say?
Kiki: Well…he thinks this is just a fling and that it won’t last.
Sebastian: *snort* Hmmm…it is nice to know Ronan thinks so little of me.
Kiki: I knew this wasn’t a fling, I have more faith in you then Ronan…but it’s nice to hear you say so anyway.

Sebastian: Is that all Ronan said?
Kiki: …
Sebastian: Kiki?
Kiki: It’s…it’s nothing.
Sebastian: It is upsetting you…I can tell. I want to know what he said.

Kiki: He…he said…that I’m not worthy of you.
Sebastian: What?
Kiki: He said that you are a prince and that I’m just…a shopkeeper.
Sebastian: How dare he suggest any such thing to you!
Kiki: But I am a shopkeeper and you…are so much more.

Sebastian: *speechless with anger*
Kiki: *timidly* Sebastian?
Sebastian: I have had enough. I will make Ronan pay for the things he said to you. I must end this once and for all!

*Sebastian suddenly runs out of the store*
Kiki: Sebastian, where are you going?

Kiki: Sebastian, wait!
*Kiki runs after him*

To be continued...

What you may or may not know about Sebastian is he is very...very...protective over the ones he cares about. This can be good or bad depending on how you look at it, but for Ronan...well, let's just say he might want to run away fast as he can. :P

I'm so happy! I finally found a seller today who has the Lati body I've been looking for. I paid for it earlier and it should ship out within the next few days. I'm so excited, Penelope will have a body very soon and now she can be a complete doll. I'm just so glad...I can't tell you. :D
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