I had some time today to work on this new chapter of "House of Pullip", enjoy!
Chapter 203: No Regrets
*Kiki and Sebastian are walking back to “The Sweet Shoppe” just after Sebastian’s confrontation with Ronan*
Kiki: …
Sebastian: …
Sebastian: I am sorry I became so angry…
Kiki: Please don’t apologize…I’m not upset with you. Ronan got what he deserved, I know that.
Sebastian: Please, do not listen to anything else Ronan says to you. Always remember that he is magical and he is highly gifted with his use of words. He has the ability to confuse people and make them believe anything he says. If you know what he is trying to do it is easier to combat, you do not have to be magical to resist his powers.
Kiki: Thanks for telling me.
Sebastian: I should have warned you sooner…and no more worrying about his “worthy” nonsense. It is of no consequence.
Kiki: But…you are a prince. What are you doing with someone like me?
Sebastian: Does it matter to you if I am a prince?
Kiki: Well…no.
Sebastian: Would you want to be with me just the same if I was not a prince?
Kiki: *sincerely* Oh, yes!
Sebastian: Then that is why I am with someone like you.
*They smile at each other*
*They return to “The Sweet Shoppe”*
Sebastian: I made you leave your store while you were working…
Kiki: It’s okay; since I work alone sometimes I have to leave the store during business hours to do…well, business. It happens. I wasn’t gone too long.
*Kiki is thoughtful while she puts the tea things away*
Sebastian: What is on your mind?
Kiki: Well…I’m wondering about something…but I don’t want to be nosy.
Sebastian: You may talk to me about anything.
Kiki: Something Ronan said made me curious…how long were you and Paige together?
Sebastian: About a year.
Kiki: That long?
Sebastian: It does not matter now…but I had to end it.
Kiki: Why?
Sebastian: It is a long story.
Kiki: You don’t have to tell me…
Sebastian: I promise, I will tell you…it is not a secret.
Kiki: Okay…um…how long has it been since you ended it?
Sebastian: I will admit, it has not been long…only a little over a month.
Kiki: That isn’t long…are you sure you’ve had enough time to recover? I mean, when you are with someone that long you don’t just get over it right away.
Sebastian: I was prepared to wait as long as need be to get her back, but it was foolish.
Sebastian: On the night of the party I had a sudden realization. When I encountered her and she would not speak to me I knew the wait would be too long…maybe forever. It would be a waste to pine for her and get nothing in return but heartache. I knew then I needed to let go. Only then could I open my heart to someone new…and there you were. Maybe I did move on too quickly…but it is not a mistake and I do not regret it.
Kiki: I don’t regret it either…
To be continued...
The gift of speech that Sebastian is describing in Ronan is sort of like Saruman from "Lord of the Rings" (if you've read the books, the movies only goes into it a little bit). However, Ronan's gift is not as strong, nor is Ronan as evil as Saruman (Ronan actually isn't evil at all, just...misguided). Anyway, this explains why what he says bothers Kiki so much, now that she knows it probably won't effect her next time...if there is a next time.
Also, please assume that sometime after this point Sebastian explain to Kiki about why he and Paige broke up. I don't see the point in having a chapter to cover this topic since it would only be repeating stuff everyone already knows about.
Staring in the next chapter we are going to focus on some different characters, but there is much more that is going to happen with Kiki and Sebastian. We will get back to them soon! :D
Purely for fun:
Here is Penelope's head...on Ainsley's body. :P Of course, I'm expecting Penelope's body in the mail and this isn't it at all, but I was curious what Penelope's head looked like on a body and decided to see if Ainsley's would fit. It sort of fits...the metal ring at the top of the neck is too wide to fit through the hole at the bottom of Penelope's head so it's just balancing on the body in this photo. If I wanted to make it permanent (which I don't) I could easily modify the ring to make it fit. Plus, the neck appears to be a near perfect fit for this head aside from that, and if it was on right the neck would be a bit shorter which would look better. Anyway, I took this photo totally for fun, but Ainsley's head is back on now and Penelope is again body-less. Penelope's body will be a tiny bit shorter, stockier, and more child-like then this one...but I was curious. I'm very excited to get Penelope's body now! Also, I did a little work on Penelope's wig with some water, isn't it pretty? :D