Here is the next chapter in "House of Pullip", enjoy! :D
Chapter 206: The Male Ego
Felix: Come Ivy, tell me what’s wrong.
Ivy: It’s Sabrina…
Felix: *sigh* I should have known…what did she do this time?
Ivy: I thought she was my friend…
Ivy: …but it turns out she only became my friend because her teacher told her to.
Felix: *shakes head*
Ivy: I don’t feel like I have any friends.
Felix: Hey, I’m your friend.
Ivy: Are you…sure?
Felix: Yeah, I’m sure. No one’s making me do anything. I don’t think Sabrina treats you very nice anyway.
Ivy: I know, but I don’t think she means it the way it sounds most of the time.
Felix: Still…
Ivy: …
Felix: Can I tell you something? You know, to help prove I’m your friend.
Ivy: You don’t have to do that.
Felix: I know, but I trust you a lot and I think you will be a lot more sensitive then Sabrina…I’d never tell her any of this.
Ivy: Okay…
Felix: Remember when I first came here?
Ivy: You were sad…or something was bothering you.
Felix: Yeah…I had just broken up with my girlfriend that I’d had for five years.
Ivy: Oh! That’s awful…I’m sorry.
Felix: There’s more…
Felix: See, we were in a band together…just a lame garage band with some of our friends. I played drums and my girlfriend was the singer. My best friend, he played the guitar…and…well…
Ivy: What happened?
Felix: *sigh* She cheated on me…with my best friend.
Ivy: *gasp* That’s terrible!
Felix: It gets worse…
Ivy: No way! Then what happened?
Felix: I got kicked out of the band.
Ivy: Why?
Felix: Well, as you might expect, I got really mad when I found out about my girlfriend. We broke up, but I was still mad…everyone else in the band decided that it wasn’t going to work out if we weren’t all getting along so someone had to leave. They picked to kick me out because I was more…expendable.
Ivy: Oh…this is awful…I’m so sorry…now I understand why you were so depressed when you first got here.
Felix: Yeah.
Ivy: But you could have told me this sooner.
Felix: I was…embarrassed. What guy wants to admit their girlfriend cheated on him? I’m still humiliated about it. Being cheated on is not good for a guy’s ego or pride…
Ivy: It’s not your fault. I hope you are happier now…she’s not worth it.
Felix: I know that now. I’ve come to terms with it…but I’m still embarrassed.
Ivy: Don’t be.
Felix: Just don’t tell Sabrina, okay? She’s probably make fun of me and I don’t think I could take it.
Ivy: Okay, I won’t tell her…but thanks for telling me.
To be continued...
For the most part, this chapter is meant to be a little background on Felix...sorry it's not very interesting otherwise. I wanted to make the photos more interesting but I'm still in a bit of pain so I didn't want to fiddle with it too much. :P
I find the male ego to be a very fragile thing, Felix is really only willing to talk about this with Ivy, someone he knows won't make fun of him. I think he's right about what Sabrina would do if he tried to talk to her... :P
I've been to the Chiropractor three times now, I've been "adjusted"'s not as bad as I thought, just different and it does feel kind of good in an odd sort of way. My X-rays came back and it's not good news.
My spine has a slight side to side curvature and my neck is straight where it's supposed to curve (I mean, no wonder my neck hurts so freaking much). It's called spinal malformation...doesn't that sound pleasant? (yes, that's a little sarcasm there) The Chiropractor assured me I'm in the right place though and that it can be fixed but I'm going to be seeing her a three times a week for the next eight weeks... *sigh*
But if it works I'll be happy because I'm still in pain although the treatments and adjustments do seem to be helping. I'm trying to stay positive, but it's been a trying day...I'll admit the X-rays were a little alarming to me, the curvature was obvious even to my untrained eyes so it's hard not to worry. Still, I have to keep telling myself it could be worse, because it could be. And I don't want it to get worse so fixing it is the best option, I know. I don't want to be one of those people with chronic back/neck pain for the rest of their life. I feel so...old...and I don't want to be. My mind feels so young and vibrant, I'm just sad that my body can't keep up. :(
So I tried with the photos...I mean, I know no one is worried about that, I'm just saying that I wasn't in much a mood to put a ton of effort in it. Even the camera strap around my neck was hurting and after dropping and breaking my last camera I really think I need to use the strap. :P
Anyway...thanks for listening. I'm really okay, just down because I was hoping the news would be a little better.