Mmmmmarshmallows.Originally uploaded by
little_ribbonI had a very interesting weekend. O.o;
On Saturday evening I met up with ex-BABWers Astrid, Linde, Luca (+ Elizabeth, his girlfriend! I adore her - she's so sophisticated and friendly! Maybe she'll attend Gala Nocturna next year!) and Jesse. I thought we were just going to go for a couple of drinks and exchange memories and amusing stories, b-but... we ended up at a heavy metal bar somehow. X.x; I didn't really enjoy it very much, oi. I was wearing a very frilly and pink outfit (...think Chanel?) and all of the people there were either staring at me or giving me murderous looks. The place we moved to after everyone got tired of the heavy metal music wasn't much better. The smoke was as thick as fog and people kept touching my hair. >.>
I came home reeking of cigarettes and feeling pretty miserable. O.o; Next time I'm just wearing jeans? B-but, I did have some fun without drinking any alcohol! I consciously made the decision to stick to apple juice and iced tea and it worked out pretty well... *grin!* I generally don't get drunk no matter what I drink - b-but I will spend 70% of the evening queuing up at the toilets because alcohol has a very odd effect on my bladder. NO FUN AT ALL.
Sunday was a bigger success! xD! I had my belated birthday party with
saltje and
hildekitten + boyfriend Bert! I had lots of fun~! Thank you for coming! ♥!
I haven't had much time to "play with" my presents yet! O.o; I think that's what I will do today... I have to plan my trip to Paris, open up my new Sylvanian Families toys, read the book I got from
thelovemafia and take pictures of the cute stickers I got to show how well they match my Jewel Tree Bouquet JSK from BTSSB, post my gifts from
saltje and
hilde on
PoupeeGirl, etc etc etc.. :D :D :D FUUUN~! Being unemployed (and getting paid for it!) is turning out to be pretty fantastic! *laughs!*
I was planning to do some of my present-appreciation last night, b-but THE ELECTRICITY SUDDENLY FELL OUT? O_____o! It was the weirdest thing... around 8PM the entire neighbourhood suddenly turned pitch-black for an hour and a half? It was a little alarming at first! I thought something serious may have happened because of the storm raging through Europe - but thankfully the power came back on before any serious traffic accidents could happen at the crossroads near my apartment and I was able to watch NCIS LA after all... ^^; (I think
cecemelchan must have been in the affected area as well!)