
May 02, 2006 14:42

big surprise. i'm just glad i didn't put much energy into this "friendship" this time. yep, so surprised she hasn't called. don't know why i even gave her another chance.

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Comments 6

xseventeenx May 6 2006, 15:51:56 UTC
ME.question mark

(i dont know how to get the question marks to work on this mac)


little_acorns May 7 2006, 00:15:22 UTC
no no, not you. cj of course. or maybe she's going by carley these days.


dr_sausage May 7 2006, 21:50:14 UTC
who knows...shes a dyke


devils_dragon May 26 2006, 22:29:33 UTC
maybe you could call her.


devils_dragon May 26 2006, 22:35:58 UTC
what ever i do or say i can never appoligize enough for you to call me . i thought that maybe you would after i called you but i guess like you said there is no point in trying. you work as much as me or more. so it kinda hard to call. but thanx for the chance. maybe i didnt deserve it. but thanx anyways.


little_acorns May 28 2006, 02:46:28 UTC
i told myself i wasn't going to let it be like before. i'm not wasting all my energy on you. you never ever called me before, so i promised myself that i would not call you. i don't see the point anyways. and i don't have much respect for someone who finds themself fucking some arrogant asshole that can't stay out of other people's business.


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