Title: Lingering [1/1]
Pairing: Jaejoong/Yunho
Genre: AU, angst/romance
Warnings: No happy ending?
Words: 3544
Summary: If he looks and feels the same, is he still the same? Maybe Jaejoong knew the answer all along.
A/N: Secret Santa fic for
kioku_kagami at
Of course I know who they are. Why did I even ask? )
Comments 52
This was the one that cracked my heart before I ended up a huge, broken mess with everything that followed. This... oh this. I want to cry, my heart hurt to read this. Then with "Who are you?" and I just... oh Yunho. The part with Changmin's gift and JaeJoong's desperation for normalcy, it was just awful to read but only because it felt so real.
Ah, just. So well written that it's painful! I loved it and hated it, but what a lovely concept to explore and Christmas only makes it all the more heartbreaking. Gorgeous work, thank you so much for sharing! Have a Merry Christmas, hun. <3
Thank you so much for such kind words~ =) They make my (admittedly very boring) Christmas day~ I'm glad you enjoyed it even though it was painful to read. Merry Christmas to you too~ ♥♥
I swore i won't cry again but this, THIS amazing piece, triggered the tears like a bomb.
oh god, I cried. still am actually.
I've never sobbed so hard over a oneshot before. my goodness.
merry christmas though ♥
Merry Christmas to you too =)
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you too!
I can't but feel proud that I made you cry though~ On Christmas day, no less...*flails*
Merry Christmasss~~ *turns your :( into a :)*
But then towards the ending it seem as though Yunho really has no hope to recover. I love how the title fits your plot. Well written and going to keep it in my memories. :)
Merry Christmas BB! ♥♥
btw what should I call you? Calling you bb might aggravate you. >__<
Thank you ^_^ For mem-ing and for reading and for being such a great reader for as long as I've been writing ♥♥
Merry Christmas to you too!!!
LOL bb is fine XD It won't aggravate me, don't worry!font>
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