Title: In Our Room [1/1] Pairing: Jonghyun/Minho Genre: AU, drama/romance Warnings: None Words: 8193 Summary: So maybe Jonghyun shouldn't treat the room as his own anymore. Sharing is caring, after all.
this is completely wonderful. :) the pacing and the slow build-up and then the drunken kissing and the uncertainties and the whispered confession and everything was just lovely, lovely, lovely. i am extremely looking forward to more of your SHINee fic, you're a very talented writer and i really hope you continue in this fandom!
I feel sad that Minho/Jonghyun isn't written as much as the other pairings and that a lot of people don't seem to like Jonghyun :( I'm here to rectify that, haha
Thanks for reading! I'll try writing more when the right story hits me~
Jonghyun is slowly growing on me. Because of Minho. I wish more people would write Minho/Jonghyun over things like Jonghyun/Key and Onew/Key. But alas, I don't think I'll get that.
Ah, writing when the story hits. I know how that goes.
HEY YOU I REMEMBER YOU. You with the amazing HyoSica. And now you present an amazing JongHo. You should probably just have dibs on my babies now.
They were so in character ;; I loved the way their relationship developed and the little road bumps on the way and oh it was just wonderful really ♥ I absolutely loved it. Thanks so much for writing this - JongHo is a terrifically underrated pairing :'(
!!! And I remember your very kind words then too :) LOL babies! (that makes me sound like such a creeper...)
omg yay ;A; I'm really glad the characterizations were realistic to you. That was what worried me the most. And Minho really is painfully good looking; even though he's younger, I can't look away sometimes /o\ *dies*
Comments 50
meming this and loving you forever.
how long did it take you??!
gahhhh I LOVE IT / YOU
meming of course
And let me say, I am glad she recced this.
It was... wow.
It's not very often that I see good Minho/Jonghyun fic. Good long Minho/Jonghyun fic at that.
I loved the pacing/flow of this and the build up of everything and wow wow wow.
I hope you continue to fic the SHINee boys.
I feel sad that Minho/Jonghyun isn't written as much as the other pairings and that a lot of people don't seem to like Jonghyun :( I'm here to rectify that, haha
Thanks for reading! I'll try writing more when the right story hits me~
Jonghyun is slowly growing on me. Because of Minho. I wish more people would write Minho/Jonghyun over things like Jonghyun/Key and Onew/Key. But alas, I don't think I'll get that.
Ah, writing when the story hits. I know how that goes.
They were so in character ;; I loved the way their relationship developed and the little road bumps on the way and oh it was just wonderful really ♥ I absolutely loved it. Thanks so much for writing this - JongHo is a terrifically underrated pairing :'(
He was really painfully good looking. Damn it.
Best line ever. The end.
omg yay ;A; I'm really glad the characterizations were realistic to you. That was what worried me the most. And Minho really is painfully good looking; even though he's younger, I can't look away sometimes /o\ *dies*
Thanks for reading!
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