Title: In Our Room [1/1] Pairing: Jonghyun/Minho Genre: AU, drama/romance Warnings: None Words: 8193 Summary: So maybe Jonghyun shouldn't treat the room as his own anymore. Sharing is caring, after all.
Wow, thank you for this comment! I'm really glad that you weren't disappointed with this piece and that those little things (Jjong sappiness, Minho's comforting, Sica's threatening :D) worked for you.
I'm not sure whether Jjong in a cheerleader's outfit (ala SNSD OH!, perhaps? XDD) would be cringeworthy or...strangely appealing ;D
When I wrote this fic, I planned the ending to match with the song that I used as the epigraph. It might seem incomplete but I thought it was enough to wrap up when they leave the room, sort of as a way of looking forward to an uncertain future. I'm not sure if I'll write a sequel ^^; It depends on whether I'll get inspired to write the aftermath. Maybe someday?
And I'M really happy you liked it enough to leave such a lovely comment :) Seriously, I would always encourage readers to comment on as much as they want! Haha Again, thank you!
Comments 50
I love this so much~
I got recced here by someone in a meme and I'm glad to read this♥
i keep on coming back to reread it xD
I'm not sure whether Jjong in a cheerleader's outfit (ala SNSD OH!, perhaps? XDD) would be cringeworthy or...strangely appealing ;D
When I wrote this fic, I planned the ending to match with the song that I used as the epigraph. It might seem incomplete but I thought it was enough to wrap up when they leave the room, sort of as a way of looking forward to an uncertain future. I'm not sure if I'll write a sequel ^^; It depends on whether I'll get inspired to write the aftermath. Maybe someday?
And I'M really happy you liked it enough to leave such a lovely comment :) Seriously, I would always encourage readers to comment on as much as they want! Haha Again, thank you!
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