Live Feedleash Log: 11/08/07

Aug 11, 2007 18:10

High Executioner Berry says:
*Matt walks down an empty hallway in Grovely, properly inspecting the work now that the builders have gone. The sun has dipped low in the sky, dusk creeping in. His footsteps echo as he rounds the corner and makes for the main dining room*
High Executioner Berry says:
*In startling contrast to the bare plaster in the hallway, the room is lush and decadent. Heavy red velvet drapes with gold brocade, an extravagant fireplace*
Bainbridge says:
*Dyxxyn flies through the air in bat form - it's just faster - and spots Grovely from above*
High Executioner Berry says:
*The table is laid with a long cloth. Candle sticks. Delicate crystal wine glasses*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Matt lights a cigar from a candle and sits at the head of the table, waiting. Not really knowing what to expect*
Bainbridge says:
*Transforms into his humanoid shape and begins the descent into the gardens*
Anthrax says:
*Relaxing in the slipstream created by his wake, transforms suddenly into Anthrax, cape and skirts flapping*
Anthrax says:
*and takes Bainbridge's arm*
Bainbridge says:
*Lands by a fountain*
Bainbridge says:
*Sniffs the air, then turns to Anthrax*
Anthrax says:
*Rearranges her skirts, and her hat*
Bainbridge says:
What do you think, Bloodlust?
Anthrax says:
*Grins broadly*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Fills a glass to the rim, caring not for apparent rules to wine drinking*
Anthrax says:
I smell shadows.
Anthrax says:
High Executioner Berry says:
*Takes an unhealthy gulp*
Bainbridge says:
*Sniffs the air again*
Bainbridge says:
There's a wounded animal that way. *points towards some trees* Fox, I think.
Anthrax says:
*Licks her lips*
Bainbridge says:
*Sniffs more* The nearest human is...
Anthrax says:
Oh, if only Renfossil were here...
Bainbridge says:
*Gestures to the house, grinning sharply* ...near.
Bainbridge says:
Shall we?
Anthrax says:
*Looks longingly in the direction of the fox, but sighs, resigning herself to anticipation*
Anthrax says:
I'm hungry.
Anthrax says:
*Rests her head on his shoulder*
Anthrax says:
Bainbridge says:
*Takes her cold hand and walks toward the house on soundless feet*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Something makes him rise from his seat*
High Executioner Berry says:
*He paces for a bit, drinking more wine. Puff, puffing away*
Anthrax says:
*Shivers* This house is so old.
Anthrax says:
I can feel the dead calling.
Bainbridge says:
*Throws open the back doors - he's been invited - and booms in his characteristic voice* Anyone home?
Anthrax says:
*Shivers again, eyes fluttering closed*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Ken looks around the corner of the kitchen door, unfazed*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Ken: Ah, good evening, sir.*
High Executioner Berry says:
*He nods at Anthrax.*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Ken: Miss*
Anthrax says:
*Hides behind Bainbridge's arm a little, peeping out*
Bainbridge says:
*To Anthrax* Berry's man, Ken.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Ken frowns a little*
Bainbridge says:
*Gives a curt nod - no handshake, the man needs to know his place* Ken.
Bainbridge says:
Berry's expecting us.
Anthrax says:
He looks like cobwebs.
Anthrax says:
*Glares at him a little, childish*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Ken: Of course. If you'll follow me.*
Anthrax says:
*In a stage whisper* He's too dry to eat.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Ken walks out, unflappable as ever, and heads towards the dining room. He's been doing this too long to be bothered by whomever walks in next*
Bainbridge says:
*Pats her hand* *murmurs* We can do better.
Bainbridge says:
*Follows Ken, taking a good look at the house as they go - it is his new home, after all*
Bainbridge says:
*The decor suits him as is, but he expects that Anthrax will want to add some..lace*
Anthrax says:
*Bites Bainbridge's bicep lightly to make herself feel better*
Bainbridge says:
*Doesn't wince, but smiles - he's used to it*
Anthrax says:
*Inhales the reassuring scent of cigar smoke and coffin dirt*
High Executioner Berry says:
*They reach the large doors of the dining room and ken opens them with a suitable flourish*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Matt turns on his heel*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Eyebrow slightly arched, he doesn't speak immediately. he steps foward, candlelight flickering on his face.*
Anthrax says:
*Wipes her mouth on her sleeve quickly*
High Executioner Berry says:
Good evening, my friends.
Bainbridge says:
Ah! *flashes one of his brutish smiles* Evening, sport.
Anthrax says:
*Drops into a low curtsey*
Anthrax says:
My lord.
Bainbridge says:
*Rearranges Anthrax on his arm as she curtseys* This is Anthrax, Berry.
Bainbridge says:
The 'woman' in my life *pointedly uses Matt's own language here*
Anthrax says:
*Tips her head to one side and smiles prettily*
Anthrax says:
A pleasure.
High Executioner Berry says:
*A wry smirk. He's amused.*
High Executioner Berry says:
*He reaches for her hand and pauses, mustering up all his charm*
High Executioner Berry says:
May I?
Bainbridge says:
*Watches the exchange carefully*
Anthrax says:
*Ducks her head*
Anthrax says:
*And extends a hand dripping with lace*
High Executioner Berry says:
*He scoops it up expertly and places a swift kiss on the back*
High Executioner Berry says:
The pleasure is mine, my dear.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Turns to Bainbridge*
Anthrax says:
*Sly look at Bainbridge*
High Executioner Berry says:
And Bainbridge! *reaches out and grabs his hand, shaking it forcefully* Good to see you.
Anthrax says:
...hungry. *pouts*
Bainbridge says:
And yourself, Berry. *shakes his hand just as heartily - perhaps a bit much so, forgetting his own new strength*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Winces- just slightly- but hides it admirably*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Smiles at Anthrax, knowing how dazzling he can be when he's on form*
Bainbridge says:
*Places his hand on Anthrax's shoulder* Always with the appetite. *Admiring*
Anthrax says:
*Leans into his arm, keening slightly*
High Executioner Berry says:
Please, take a seat.
High Executioner Berry says:
*He pulls a chair out for Anthrax*
High Executioner Berry says:
*To Bainbridge* I like a woman with healthy appetites.
Bainbridge says:
*Assists her to the chair*
Anthrax says:
*Removes her hat politely, and places it on the table, shaking out her hair and hiding behind it*
Bainbridge says:
*Lifts a brow* Healthy? *Chuckles obscurely*
Anthrax says:
*If she'd fed recently, she'd be blushing*
Bainbridge says:
*Grazes a fingertip down her cheek before stepping away*
Anthrax says:
*Watches him with devotion, biting her lip*
High Executioner Berry says:
Absolutely *Sits and slides the cigars across the table towards Dyxxyn* I'll never understand these girls who starve themselves. I like real women. Something to hold onto.
Anthrax says:
High Executioner Berry says:
*Pours wine for them all*
Anthrax says:
*Looks down at her figure*
Bainbridge says:
*Gives Anthrax a 'Don't kill him, darling' look*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Watches her watching and does likewise, appreciatively*
Bainbridge says:
*Takes a cigar, running it beneath his nose - he can actually smell how many leaves were used in its making*
High Executioner Berry says:
She's quite lovely, Dixon.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Raises his glass*
High Executioner Berry says:
My apologies if I was forthright in my judgement.
Anthrax says:
*Raises her chin high*
High Executioner Berry says:
A toast to you both?
Anthrax says:
*and takes hold of her glass, sniffing at it with disapproval*
Anthrax says:
Bainbridge says:
Mmm. *Grasps his own glass* If you insist, Berry. *Smiles and sits up straighter*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Chuckles again*
High Executioner Berry says:
Of course, my dear.
High Executioner Berry says:
Though I've an impressive stock of whiskies if you'd rather.
Anthrax says:
*Pouts* At home we slit the throats of young virgins and drink their still warm life force.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Sternly* So I've heard.
Bainbridge says:
*Smiles wanly* If we did what we did at home everywhere, there'd hardly be reason to leave the house, my gamine.
High Executioner Berry says:
I've never really understood the fascination with virgins myself. occassionally, maybe. But there's a lot to be said for experience.
Anthrax says:
They taste sweeter.
Anthrax says:
In every.
Anthrax says:
Anthrax says:
Anthrax says:
*But raises her glass high anyway*
High Executioner Berry says:
*A giggle, he's getting a little intoxicated... he'd forgotten how potent this particular year was... but there's something else* To your... good health *Giggle*
Bainbridge says:
*Also raises his glass, then takes but a small sip of the wine, detecting that it's a very good vintage and flavour even if he has no appetite for it*
Anthrax says:
*Doesn't bother, putting her glass down with a thud*
Anthrax says:
Can we eat now?
Anthrax says:
*Rests her chin on her hands*
Anthrax says:
*And stares at Matt*
Anthrax says:
I'm ever so hungry.
Bainbridge says:
*Stares at Anthrax, taking in her wide, dilated eyes*
High Executioner Berry says:
*As if on cue, Ken re-enters the room with an obscenely large silver tray laden with bloody steaks*
Anthrax says:
*Perks up immediately*
Anthrax says:
*Clapping her hands together*
Anthrax says:
Oh, Dyxxyn, look!
High Executioner Berry says:
*Smiles, pleased*
Bainbridge says:
*Appraises the trays* Hmm, yes. *Sniffs the air* Smells.... quite good.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Ken serves swiftly and smartly*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Ken: Will that be all, sir?*
Anthrax says:
*Licks a wide stripe across her steak*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Matt: yes, thank you ken. take the dogs out, will you?*
Anthrax says:
*Hair stuck to her cheeks from the grease*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Ken nods and leaves*
Bainbridge says:
*Presses the back of his steak with a spoon, gathering up all the juices and eating it as if it were soup*
Anthrax says:
*and sits up, face the picture of indulgence*
Bainbridge says:
So then, Berry.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Watches the odd display with a frown. He cuts a piece of steak carefully, eyes still on them. He chews slowly, contemplating*
Bainbridge says:
*Points his spoon to the ceiling* Right price, you said?
High Executioner Berry says:
*Takes another gulp of wine*
Bainbridge says:
What did you have in mind?
Anthrax says:
*Presses the thick meat with her fingers, playing with it, then sucks them*
High Executioner Berry says:
Given the location, the time of year and the history of the house?
Anthrax says:
It's got woodworm.
Anthrax says:
*Points upwards*
Anthrax says:
I can hear them.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Frowns at her*
High Executioner Berry says:
Aren't you... useful.
Bainbridge says:
*Tilts his head, listening*
Bainbridge says:
'Fraid she's right, sport.
Anthrax says:
*Sticks out her tongue*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Raises his eyebrows, then shakes his head, dismissive*
Bainbridge says:
*Shrugs* Everything's decaying in this world. *Glances at Anthrax, as if to say 'but for us'*
Anthrax says:
I like woodworm.
Anthrax says:
They sing.
High Executioner Berry says:
That's neither here nor there. I think you'll agree a three month probation period at five grand every twenty eight days is an absolute steal.
Anthrax says:
*Wipes her face with a napkin*
Anthrax says:
*and empties her wine glass onto the steak*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Waves a piece of steak on his fork as he talks* We can negotiate from there, of course.
Anthrax says:
*Stirring the juices around for that right colour*
Bainbridge says:
*Twiddles his moustache his fingers, considering*
Anthrax says:
*Looks over at Matt slyly* Maybe you like us a little better than that.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Stabs a potato a little too forcefully*
Bainbridge says:
*Sighs - it's so hard to know what to spend your money on when you'll be living forever*
High Executioner Berry says:
That remains to be seen, princess.
Anthrax says:
*Grins slowly, cheeks pinking up just slightly from the meat*
Anthrax says:
Oh, it does.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Matt eyes her, a small smile playing on his lips*
Anthrax says:
Have you ever danced naked on the new moon?
Bainbridge says:
*Still thinking about the house, immune to Anthrax's odd questions* I'll give it some thought, Sport. I like to do right by my friends, but I've gone through several fortunes in my life, and I'm not eager to go through another.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Splutters, choking on wine*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Laughs heartily*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Straightens himself up and nods at Bainbridge respectively*
Bainbridge says:
*Gives Anthrax a secret smirk*
High Executioner Berry says:
Right you are, Dixon.
Anthrax says:
High Executioner Berry says:
I beg your pardon?
Anthrax says:
*She pronounces it with more of a hiss and a sort of flourish with her hand*
Anthrax says:
The spelling's different.
Anthrax says:
You can't hear the letters?
Bainbridge says:
*Coughs slightly into his hand, maybe a taaaaad embarrassed*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Shrugs, takes another gulp of wine*
Anthrax says:
Those poor little Ys, held captive by the sharp and brutish Xs.
Anthrax says:
The capital D, the gate to the garden of Eden.
High Executioner Berry says:
Anthrax says:
And the N, the stile at the end of life that we all must cross.
Bainbridge says:
*and yet charmed by Anthrax's poetic explanation*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Clears his throat*
Anthrax says:
*Shakes her head, hiding her eyes, which are misting up a little*
Bainbridge says:
*Compelled to lean in and give her a blood-tainted kiss in response to her speech*
High Executioner Berry says:
You will, of course, want to take a closer look at the place. At your leisure, my friend.
High Executioner Berry says:
I'll keep your lady friend entertained if you care to take a look now. No doubt you'll enjoy it by moonlight.
Anthrax says:
*Squeaks happily*
Anthrax says:
*Wrapping one long finger in his hair*
Anthrax says:
*Pulls back, and bites him lightly on the nose*
Anthrax says:
Company, Dyxxyn.
Anthrax says:
Bainbridge says:
*Rubs a thumb at her chin, then stands up*
Bainbridge says:
Not a bad idea, Sport. Entertain the lady and I'll see about the rest of the house.
Anthrax says:
*Pouts, watching him go*
Anthrax says:
You take the starlight with you.
Bainbridge says:
*Turns the corner out of the dining room, then transforms into invisible mist*
Bainbridge says:
*Floats right back into the room, watching*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Nods* Right you are. Watch the annexe in the east wing. It's a bit unstable still.
Anthrax says:
*But her expression softens instantly as she returns her attention to Matt*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Drains his glass*
High Executioner Berry says:
Care for another glass? It's very good.
Anthrax says:
*Shakes her head*
Anthrax says:
I don't like wine.
Anthrax says:
It tastes of ash.
High Executioner Berry says:
I thought it would be right up your street.
High Executioner Berry says:
You seem a woman of refined tastes.
Anthrax says:
*Climbs up onto the table, and settles herself cross-legged in front of his plate*
Anthrax says:
*Skirts arranged demurely around her*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Gives her a look... isn't this nice...*
Bainbridge says:
*Shakes his....non-head...and thinks 'Oh Berry, Berry...'*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Loosens his collar a little. It's warm in here.*
Anthrax says:
You paint the world with words, my lord.
High Executioner Berry says:
High Executioner Berry says:
*Looking a little dopey now, his reactions slow*
Anthrax says:
*Leans in a touch* Your speech. It's beautiful.
Anthrax says:
You could melt a siren's heart.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Chuckles richly*
High Executioner Berry says:
Really? No one's ever said anything like that before.
High Executioner Berry says:
*But Jon's voice echoes somewhere in the back of his mind... The cold biting wind of a winter night... the smell of the river*
Anthrax says:
*Chews on the end of one of her sleeves*
Bainbridge says:
*Also chuckles, quite amused by the scene - Anthrax is such a expert predator*
High Executioner Berry says:
Tell me... Anthrax...
Anthrax says:
Anything, lord.,
High Executioner Berry says:
*He boldly touches her knee*
Anthrax says:
High Executioner Berry says:
How does a lovely young thing like you wind up warming the sheets of a man like Bainbridge?
Anthrax says:
*Mouth hidden behind her joined hands, her eyes flash slightly*
Anthrax says:
*But her eyes drop*
Anthrax says:
He has.
Anthrax says:
A power.
Anthrax says:
*Shakes her head* You wouldn't understand what it is to be bound to another.
Anthrax says:
Even if my heart
Anthrax says:
that beats no more
Anthrax says:
*She looks up*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Lowers his eyes*
Anthrax says:
Sometimes wishes it could stray.
High Executioner Berry says:
*He looks back up, slowly*
Anthrax says:
*Lowers one of her hands*
Anthrax says:
*It hovers over the hand on her knee, nervously*
Anthrax says:
*And she shivers all over*
High Executioner Berry says:
*He senses it and that smirk is back, tugging at the corner of his mouth*
Bainbridge says:
*Sighs, even just watching from where he is... she plays her part so perfectly*
High Executioner Berry says:
*His voice low, he shifts a little closer* Oh, but you are a delicious little thing.
Anthrax says:
I am tainted, my lord.
Anthrax says:
You should not say such things.
High Executioner Berry says:
We're all tainted, sweetheart.
Anthrax says:
Yes, my lord.
Anthrax says:
And you more than most.
Anthrax says:
*Moves her hand rapidly to his cheek*
High Executioner Berry says:
Anthrax says:
I see a dark stain spreading over your soul.
High Executioner Berry says:
*An arched brow... this is interesting*
Anthrax says:
Like spilled wine by candlelight.
Anthrax says:
*Looks deep into his eyes*
Anthrax says:
I see a chasm, and your foot poised above it.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Captivated, breathing heavily*
Anthrax says:
*Presses her other hand to where his heart should be*
Anthrax says:
And this
Anthrax says:
Beats but with half its power.
High Executioner Berry says:
*He feels tears freezing in his eyes... mortified but unable to stop it...*
Anthrax says:
Oh, my sweet, dark lord...
Anthrax says:
*Bends her head as if she's going to kiss him*
Bainbridge says:
*Wafts closer.... are those tears? Good lord, man*
Anthrax says:
*But instead presses a sisterly kiss to his forehead*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Something in him snaps suddenly. he clears his throat, shaking her off*
Anthrax says:
*Crumples like a child, crying out*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Pushes her onto her front on the table, seizing her around the middle. He pulls her up, close and speaks low in her ear*
High Executioner Berry says:
Oh, but I bet you beg sweetly.
Bainbridge says:
*Perks up... Oh, this should be good*
High Executioner Berry says:
All these games.... You like it, don't you? Power. Dominance. But then you're his little plaything.
Anthrax says:
*Her head fallen forwards, exposing her neck, she whimpers*
Anthrax says:
High Executioner Berry says:
*A wave of desire, he laughs low and cruel*
High Executioner Berry says:
That's it.
Bainbridge says:
*Considers Matt's words.... Jealous of him, the hangman?*
Anthrax says:
I'm just
Anthrax says:
doing what he asked.
Anthrax says:
Please don't.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Knits his fingers into her hair and pulls it, just tight enough*
High Executioner Berry says:
What does he do to you? Hm? tell me and I'll stop...
Anthrax says:
*Calls out, eyes scrunched up in fear*
High Executioner Berry says:
Come on, girl. I know you can do better than that.
High Executioner Berry says:
*His other hand finds a breast and he grabs, hard*
Anthrax says:
No please!
Anthrax says:
Anthrax says:
Anthrax says:
You don't understand!
Anthrax says:
The shadow on the cemetery grass.
Bainbridge says:
*Watches the scene with sharp eyes*
Anthrax says:
He's the man who casts it.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Pulls her head back by her hair*
Anthrax says:
*Gasps with pain*
Anthrax says:
Anthrax says:
He'll hurt me so much...
High Executioner Berry says:
Tell me you like it.
Bainbridge says:
*Swallows a laugh*
Anthrax says:
He brings the pain, my lord.
Anthrax says:
Only he.
Anthrax says:
And he brings the heal.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Throws her down onto the table, on her back, arching over her*
High Executioner Berry says:
Maybe you want me to be tender, then? hm?
Anthrax says:
*Hands scrabble on the table, she looks over her shoulder at the door*
Anthrax says:
If he should catch us...
High Executioner Berry says:
High Executioner Berry says:
You'd love it.
High Executioner Berry says:
If we should fight for you.
High Executioner Berry says:
Maybe we'll take turns,
Anthrax says:
*Eyes wide*
Anthrax says:
The woodworm wouldn't like it.
Anthrax says:
*Whispers* and they'd tell.
High Executioner Berry says:
*He frowns, but brushes the hair out of her eyes*
High Executioner Berry says:
You're a strange one, sweetheart. but i've had stranger.
Anthrax says:
*With a trace of something* I doubt that.
High Executioner Berry says:
And you look... *runs his hands over her body, from her hips upwards*... So very good.
Anthrax says:
*Eyelids flutter*
High Executioner Berry says:
What could it hurt, hm?
High Executioner Berry says:
Just a little...
Bainbridge says:
*Gaze narrows just slightly.... That's -his-*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Hands on her legs, stroking up, skirts going with them*
Anthrax says:
High Executioner Berry says:
I've got twenty or so years on him...
Anthrax says:
He has an eternity on you.
Bainbridge says:
Anthrax says:
My lord, think of the silverware! How unhygienic!
High Executioner Berry says:
And this from the woman who prefers virgins. I must be practically pure compared to him.
High Executioner Berry says:
High Executioner Berry says:
High Executioner Berry says:
I've heard some excuses, sweetheart.
High Executioner Berry says:
And I'm getting a bit bored of the demure act now.
Anthrax says:
*Jerks her chin up, haughty*
Anthrax says:
It would be a crow's call at midnight.
Bainbridge says:
*Wonders if Matt knows what he's asking for...nope, probably not*
Anthrax says:
Magnificent and lonely.
Anthrax says:
But I will not put my life at risk for you.
Anthrax says:
The games I play are so far beyond your imaginings.
Anthrax says:
And he will punish me if he knows.
High Executioner Berry says:
*His hands travel back up again and he cups her breasts, rubbing his thumbs over her nipples through her lace bodice*
High Executioner Berry says:
*He leans down*
High Executioner Berry says:
Stop talking...
Anthrax says:
*Shifts her head to the side at the last moment, kissing his cheek*
Anthrax says:
*Letting her mouth slide delicately over*
Anthrax says:
*Towards his neck*
High Executioner Berry says:
Mm, that's more like it...
Anthrax says:
*and looking over at a patch of the room she knows is less empty than it looks*
Anthrax says:
Aren't you hungry?
Bainbridge says:
*Materialises slowly into view*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Chuckles, thinking she's talking to him* for you, yes...
High Executioner Berry says:
*Moves his face, trying for a kiss*
Bainbridge says:
*Nods at her*
Anthrax says:
*Grins, revealing sharp teeth*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Dopey and clumsy from the wine and the odd, heady atmosphere in the room, he's pleasantly oblivious*
High Executioner Berry says:
*He shifts his hips and rubs against her, leaving her with no doubt of his desire*
Anthrax says:
*Licks a wide stripe just under his ear*
Bainbridge says:
*At this, glides forward soundlessly*
High Executioner Berry says:
Good god, woman....
Anthrax says:
You're speaking in the wrong direction.
Bainbridge says:
*Touches a sharp claw to Matt's back*
Bainbridge says:
Enjoying yourself, sport?
High Executioner Berry says:
I said.... Mm... Stop talking... Oh....
Anthrax says:
High Executioner Berry says:
*His back arches inwards and he yelps*
Anthrax says:
*Keeps a firm grip on him*
High Executioner Berry says:
Fucking hell, Bainbridge...
Anthrax says:
*Into his ear* Daddy came to the party!
High Executioner Berry says:
*Has no intention of letting her go, she needn't worry*
Bainbridge says:
*Leans down, grinning maniacally through his moustache* I don't think that's an answer.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Laughs stupidly*
High Executioner Berry says:
She seemed to think you'd be angry.
Anthrax says:
Oh, he is.
High Executioner Berry says:
But I know you're a fair man. wouldn't mind sharing.
Anthrax says:
He's just awfully good at hiding it.
High Executioner Berry says:
It's just manners.
Bainbridge says:
*Smiles, subdued now*
Anthrax says:
I don't want to wait any longer.
Bainbridge says:
Are you sharing, sport?
Bainbridge says:
If you're offering to share....
Anthrax says:
Yes yes!
Bainbridge says:
*Tiptoes his claws towards Matt's neck, just lightly*
High Executioner Berry says:
Are you implying I'm... *Holds back a burp*... Anything but... *Shivers under the touch*... Honourable?
Anthrax says:
Oh, he answers only in questions.
Anthrax says:
*Into his ear*
Anthrax says:
Just say yes.
Anthrax says:
And all this
Anthrax says:
Can be yours.
Bainbridge says:
*Sneers* I don't concern myself with honour, why should you?
High Executioner Berry says:
*Smiles, heavy eyed* Right you are.
High Executioner Berry says:
*To Anthrax* What are you going to do for me, my dear?
Anthrax says:
I'll pull down the moon and pin it to your throat.
Anthrax says:
It will make the most beautiful collar stud.
Anthrax says:
And all the girls
Anthrax says:
will follow you in the streets.
Bainbridge says:
*Murmurs* You were going to take her from under my wing, weren't you? *Touches the pads of his fingers to Matt's throat, finding the pulse and closing his eyes*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Rolls onto his back, laughing like a stoned teenager* They already do that...
Anthrax says:
Anthrax says:
Anthrax says:
I've been ever so good.
Bainbridge says:
*Raises a finger to her* One moment, darling.
Anthrax says:
High Executioner Berry says:
Ha! She has, you know...
Bainbridge says:
*Smiles down at Berry's flushed face* I just want you to know, before we begin....
Bainbridge says:
How my shadow feels.
Anthrax says:
*Speaks into her cupped hands* and I'm hungry and nobody seems to care.
High Executioner Berry says:
What the hell are you talking about?
Anthrax says:
*Clamps her hands shut, and watches Matt carefully*
Anthrax says:
Oh, I like this bit.
Bainbridge says:
*Steps forward, affixing Matt's eyes with his vampiric gaze*
Anthrax says:
*Sits up on her heels, biting her thumb*
Bainbridge says:
Sit up, Matthew.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Suddenly lucid, his expression changes and he does as commanded. Because there's no doubt it's a command*
Anthrax says:
*Claps her hands*
Anthrax says:
I'm so glad I met you.
Anthrax says:
*Nips lightly at Dyxxyn's neck*
Bainbridge says:
*Reaches out and cups Matt's face* Yes...that's the shadow you're feeling. *Lowers his hand and makes a small puncture at the base of his throat with his claw*
Bainbridge says:
*To Anthrax* Eat.
Anthrax says:
*Eyes snap to the blood immediately, shutting up*
Anthrax says:
*Presses a quick kiss to Dyxxyn's cheek* Thank you.
Anthrax says:
*And then settles herself in Matt's lap, ducking her head to this throat*
Anthrax says:
*And lapping at the wound with every evidence of enjoyment*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Lets out a low, deep moan, eyes flickering*
Bainbridge says:
*Kisses the back of her hair while she feeds*
Anthrax says:
*Hand over his heart*
Anthrax says:
*and the other somewhere in Bainbridge's jacket*
Bainbridge says:
*Finds Matt's arm and brings it high, making another small puncture on his inner arm, then affixing his mouth to the wound*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Head rolls back and his limbs are limp like a ragdoll*
Anthrax says:
*Unbuttoning his shirt a little to get a better angle*
Anthrax says:
*Poking into his mind gently to say, look, look isn't this FUN!*
High Executioner Berry says:
*His own desire fights against their control*
Anthrax says:
*Pulls back, slippery fingers pressed to the wound*
Anthrax says:
Is he going to come with us?
Anthrax says:
Anthrax says:
*Mouth already at her wrist, ready to bite*
Bainbridge says:
*Pulls away from Matt's arm*
High Executioner Berry says:
*Reaches out blindly, groping for Anthrax*
Bainbridge says:
Not yet, kitten.
Bainbridge says:
*Frowns at him*
Bainbridge says:
Still too young.
Anthrax says:
But he's so frisky!
Anthrax says:
*Turns back to Matt and squeaks a little when she sees he's moved*
Anthrax says:
*Pulls her hand away and sucks greedily on her fingers*
Bainbridge says:
*Tilts his head* No.... not yet.
High Executioner Berry says:
*Flat on his back, gasping, moaning slightly*
Anthrax says:
*Face drops*
Bainbridge says:
*Grabs her by the waist* I'll show you frisky.
Anthrax says:
Anthrax says:
Ah, but you're an old man.
Anthrax says:
*Taps him on the nose*
Anthrax says:
He said so.
Anthrax says:
He said he could do all these things that you couldn't.
Anthrax says:
I'm intrigued.
Bainbridge says:
*Laughs heartily*
Bainbridge says:
I'm sure you are, my dear.
Bainbridge says:
But I don't think.... *He glances at Matt, noticing their resemblances yet again* ....There's anything he can do that I can't.
Bainbridge says:
*Growls and bites the air in front of her face*
Anthrax says:
*Squeals with delight*
High Executioner Berry says:
*His breathing slows and he slips into a strange light sleep, a very evident bulge still prominent in his trousers despite it all*
Anthrax says:
Anthrax says:
Anthrax says:
Show me.
Anthrax says:
Bainbridge says:
*Picks her up with ease, his grip forceful* Let's explore this shack, shall we?
Anthrax says:
*Showers his face with light kisses*
Bainbridge says:
*Carries her out of the dining room, leaving Matt to sleep it off*
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