hey guys? soez ur probably getting kinda iritated by now but i just hjad to add soemthing else. this thing is so cool. anyway better go b4 i spill the beans. love ya Amandine
haha, hi therechiki09September 6 2004, 20:09:02 UTC
hey. no, my jounals are not funny. or interesting. well, that is my opinion. thanx anyways...yours are pretty odd. yeah. but they are pretty cool. ok, well, buhbye!!
Re: haha, hi therelittle_chirpySeptember 7 2004, 01:30:26 UTC
Hey how ya doing? Why arent your journals funny or intersting. confused. hey have you seen garfeild. i saw it today and its sooo funny. Anyway tata Amandine.
Re: haha, hi therechiki09September 7 2004, 18:17:35 UTC
hey. my journals arent funny or interesting cuz nobody says they are except u and one of my friends. on my last entry, someone sayed that i sounded like a 5 year old. yeah. no, i havent seen garfeild.dont reall want to either. critics up where i live said that it is bad. hey, do u really live in austrailia? i've always wanted to go there.
Comments 4
Anyway tata
alright, well, tweedles
love me
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