I LoVeE MaRiSa NaNeTtE LeE ZaYac ! hAaHhHaA!
gurL u rox mY sockszs , u maKe my graY skieSs bLue , y0u makEe mEe haPPy whEn i aM dowN, i caN counT on y0u to bE theRe f0r mEe, y0u aRe likEe my siSter fr0m aNothEr misTer hAha! , y0u aRe mY d0uBle, y0u can finisH my senTenceS , y0u knoW whaT i aM aLwaySz thinKing! , i d0nT knoW h0w i evEr livEd my
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