It's almost hard to believe that I'm already back here! Summer went by a lot quicker than I had anticipated which is all for the better of course.
I really don't remember packing all these things... This really better be my bag... Well, I better finish unpacking so I can see Madam Pomfrey about my sunburn. Ouch, that stings...
Luckily I was able to make enough money at the dig site this summer as an assistant to make it through another year at Hogwarts. Dad's friend (Amamiya), the one I stay with, offered me spending money but I couldn't accept. I feel too guilty for boarding at his house & eating food that his wife cooks. Of course, he refuses the money I try to give him for rent. *sigh*
Waitaminute... he's the one who shoved the extra clothes and books into my luggage! Oh great, he put extra money in here too. *sarcasm* I guess I should owl him a thank you since we can't keep arguing like this... I'd better save this money for Hogsmeade trips and presents.
Note to self: Get the Amamiyas a big gifts and don't forget to buy them things at Hogsmeade.
Ah, sunburn. I need some ointment or cream for that.