On vacation! Yay! 11 whole days of sweet, sweet freedom. Been thinking about my friends buried out in Colorado right now, I saw some pics that reminded me of this one 2+ foot dump we got in VT in 2000.
Ahhh yes, the great VT storm my freshman year at UVM... this one was actually way worse. I was literally snowed into my apartment. The plows never seem prepared - but I guess that's probably due to the fact that Colorado is a huge state and there's like 85 million roads plus, of course, the interstates (one of which was closed across like three states on Wednesday!).
The crappiest thing about the 2000 storm was the fact that the brunt of it came on Town Meeting Day, and when they closed UVM for the day it didn't matter because we already didn't have classes.
Oh yeah, I remember feeling ripped off about the storm colliding with Town meeting day... that meant it was a storm in the first week of April, I believe, which made it extra freakish.
Comments 4
People here kind of forget how to think in the snow. I don't get it.
The crappiest thing about the 2000 storm was the fact that the brunt of it came on Town Meeting Day, and when they closed UVM for the day it didn't matter because we already didn't have classes.
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