Yo, a Vacation Post!

Jul 25, 2010 18:52

So, I'm on vacation and decided to drop in and post an update.

So, I'm visiting Portland, Oregon to see my mom. I've got two of my kids with me. My oldest son and husband are off on their own adventure and instead of sitting at home bored out of my mind while they did their thing I decided to come here. No boredom = good. :P

The weather has been lovely. I escapted the extreme heat and humidity of SE Texas which is a relief. I wish I could live here. Seriously. If I had the chance to move back I would. When my husband lost his job about eight years ago this was the first place he looked for work. Too bad there just weren't any engineering jobs available at the time. Don't get me wrong, I don't have any problems living in Houston really...it's just really great here in Portland. People are so outdoorsy and active, they care about recycling and the environment. Texanas don't get outside much, it's just too darn hot most of time, so it's a huge challenge to be active (I try my best). And forget about caring about the environment much here, I'd swear most Texans don't know the meaning of the word "recycling". :P

So we've been busy here. We went to the Waterfront in downtown Portland where you can walk along the Willamette river. It was gorgeous! And the perfect day for it, but I got sunburned on my neck. Then we went to Saturday Market, this big outdoor market they have every weekend with artists and crafters selling everything you can imagine. My kids didn't think it would be fun but they ended up really enjoying it. Today we went to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) which was a huge hit for my kids, especially my 13 year old son who has a scientific brain. They have all these hands-on labs which are great for kids and my daughter had a great time putting her hands on a Van de Graff generator and making her hair stand on end. XD Afterwards we went to Powell's, the biggest book store in the United States (not kidding, it might even be the biggest in the world). It takes up an entire city block. For a book lover like me it was like dying and going to heaven. :P They sell both new and used books so I took a list with me of books to look for. I only ended up buying three books for myself, only one was used. Oh well. I bought some books for my kids as well. On Tuesday we will be going to the beach for a few days.

Last night I had dinner with an old friend from Elementary school of all places. That was interesting and fun. :D

So yeah, no boredom here. I will probably need a vacation from my vacation when I get home. :P

This is mostly for Allison, but it's not private or anything, feel free to read it but it might not make much sense:

Okay, so remember when I wanted to read that new Meg Cabot book "Runaway" and my library didn't have it? Well, I wrote to them and got the standard answer back, "We don't have that title but we might soon, blah, blah, blah..." Well, about two weeks later they had it on order. Why couldn't they have just told me that? *eye roll* I put myself on the waiting list and the book came in right before I left. Perfect timing! I checked it out to bring with me so I would have something to read on the plane.

It was an easy read, no surprise there...but I'm just wondering if you read it yet? If so, let me know because I'm not quite sure what I thought of it and would love to hear your thoughts. I don't want to say anything in case you haven't read it yet and spoil it for you. Mostly I'm just curious what you thought of it.

Bonus Photo...I took before I left (no dolls with me here on vacation, I just know I wouldn't have time for them):

Here is Taryn imitating me going off on vacation! My mom has a great yard for photos, too bad I didn't bring a doll to photograph...but I have the feeling people here would think I'm a bit strange to photograph a doll...so maybe it's best. :P
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