ooc; Anna's Powers

Mar 28, 2019 12:59

Mind Reading (Reshi)

For those that don't yet know, Anna possesses the power of 'Reshi'. This is the ability to read peoples 'hearts', which is basically their thoughts and emotions. This makes all your filter posts basically nothing to her, she won't know exactly what you said but she'll have some jist of it, but there are a few rules.

So to start off, Anna's power in involuntary. She cannot help it when she does it and it cannot be 'turned off'.

Anna cannot read the mind of other mind-readers and vice versa, she can, however still read their emotions. If it's one of those mind reading things where you can 'turn it off' she would be able to read their thoughts for the period of time their power was not active. It has been suggested that 'Reshi' users can read other mind readers thoughts but for the sake of simplicity and other reasons, we'll forget that.

There are those who cannot be read at all, for example Roxas from KH would be unreadable as he has no 'heart' and this is what Anna 'reads'. I believe the same would go for ridiculously godlike people (eg. Yuuko) or things like robots. Hao is also unreadable because he possesses the same power, in fact his presence dulls some of the voices.

For telepaths, Anna would get your message and she would be able to send one back, but you would only hear what she sends you, you wouldn't be able to see/hear anymore than that.

We've come up with the idea that her ability allows her to read the thoughts of anyone for four floors. There may be some things that break this rule so feel free to ask me on that. The power obviously gets weaker with distance so people two floors away give off more than people 3 floors away. As for emotions, the idea changes ever so slightly based upon the 'strength' of which the person feels that emotion. For example, Anna can pick up everyone's emotions within the four floors however, say past the four floors there are two people, one of these people is feeling insane rage therefore Anna can still pick it up, however, the other person is just feeling slightly irritated so Anna cannot pick it up.

This means Anna usually reads people in-person. I usually asume Anna is having a face to face conversation with your character but if she is not I will check to see if your character falls within the 'four floor' rule and if not Anna won't be able to read you.

Anna also picks up what you are thinking of at that moment, however, there are exceptions to this. For this, you have to think about this idea of ‘delving.’ So, if someone just happened to be walking by Anna, Anna would probably only pick up what that person was thinking and feeling at that moment. However, if Anna, for some reason, stopped and looked deeper she may be able to read more. Also, people may not necessarily be ‘thinking’ about something for Anna to pick it up, since Anna reads ‘hearts’. So someone may be brooding all week about their friend’s disappearance, but when they start talking to Anna might start thinking of something else, but the heart still carries this burden so Anna would pick up what they’re thinking and that they’re missing their friend.

This means that Anna usually knows when someone is lying to her.

Also, if Anna is touching a person (even though she's not really a touchy feely person) she would probably see no point in delving as everything would come in crystal clear.

For those that think they would sense Anna's presence in their mind I'm sorry to say that most of the time, you're probably wrong. Anna's power is involuntary, therefore, she receives these thoughts and feelings as easily as if they were her own. However, if Anna begins to delve in your characters 'heart'/mind you can by all means have them sense that.

Similar to this, once Anna goes delving into your character she is perfectly vulnerable to 'mind attacks'. But you cannot follow Anna back into her own mind as you would probably just not be able to get in.

Oni (Demons)

Anna does not release Oni intentionally; they come out of their own will. Because of her abiltiy to hear thoughts Anna can't help but pick up the negative emotions of others every time she is around other people; because of this, these thoughts and feelings will merge and cause Anna to think similar things and hate world, causing all of this hate to combine with her spiritual power and involuntarily manifest as an Oni.

Oni's are only visible to those who can see spirits (so if you're unsure whether your character would see them or not feel free to ask). The formation of Oni's looks like a large amount of spiritual flames gathering together until they eventually take the form of an Oni. The normal Oni's Anna summons are usually driven only by the urge to destroy something and can be defeated by the right amount of power. However, the basic rule is; the bigger the Oni, the more powerful and smarter it is.

The Oni's are created by linking all the negative emotions and thoughts using Anna's own power. Due to this, when she summons the larger Oni's it drains away at her strength. The larger and more time the Oni stays out, the more power is drained away from Anna. However, for the smaller, more common Oni's that Anna creates, it doesn't seem to effect her too much, possibly because they don't take that much power to create.

In extreme cases, Anna's power can be drained so much that she is placed into a trance. During this state, Anna opens herself up to all the negative emotions around her and can become closed off to all others, starting to side with the thoughts of the Oni and its want to kill all those that give off the emotions she picks up.

Oni's will often stay out for as long as they wish but refuse to 'return' unless it destroys something. Normal weapons have no effect whatsoever against Oni's, the same goes for normal physical attacks. However, if some kind of spiritual or similar force is involved then it would do damage, for example Gaara's chakra filled sand, or any attacks Trunks uses at all in Super Saiyan form. (If you want to ask me if your characters way of attacking would work feel free.)

Anna has very little, if any, control over the Oni's she creates. However, the smarter Oni's understand that Anna is the source of their power and often stick close to her to continue using that power and grow stronger, sometimes even listening to her requests. They also seem to have some recognition that Anna is their creator or 'mother' and one has even gone so far as to call her 'mum'.

Anna hates the Oni's she creates for one main reason, to her they represent not only the terrible things of other people, but the terrible things about herself.

Other Powers

Anna is an itako - a traditional Japanese shaman, meaning she can see and communicate with spirits. Her specialty is channeling, and she can summon a spirit from anywhere, even from heaven where normal shamans can't reach and spend spirits to hell. She can also put a spirit into a human body and she can exorcise them out.

Physical Strength (Slap)

Anna is physically very strong. And fast too. She can cause a large amount of damage and is even seen to be capable of shattering boulders. She has no problem is using her fists to subdue someone. Her preferred form of physical attack is slap, however, she has no objection to kicking, punching, scratching or even using weapons (such as spiked maces). Therefore, when you get slapped by Anna, for most people, this really will hurt and often leaves a red hand print across their cheek.

She also has a physical attack dubbed 'The Legendary Left' by those around her. This is one hell of a brutal slap by which Anna uses her left hand instead of her normal right. It's very strong and has caused one victims face to swell up like a balloon. As the name implies, Anna doesn't use this very often.

Also, please note, Anna has no problem with kneeing/kicking men in the jewels.

Feel free to ask questions~
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