Title: Inferno Rating: PG-13 Genre: Romance, Fluff, Humor Summary: Jaejoong has woken up to discover that Yunho has fallen from grace - and right into his bed.
OMG, Anne, that was so cute! I kind of wanted to see Yunho's post-sex freak out, but I may have enjoyed Jaejoong's more! XD DA CUTE BABIES STAY FOREVER CUTE, OKAY? Tempura loves you. *cuddles*
This is CUTE XDDD and all the reference all the way to shine bright like a.... *no dont put that song on repeat in my head* pretend you didnt see me write that particular line.. anyway its cuteeeee >/////
yeah...i don't think i could bring myself to feel bad either if i got yunho in my bed, just saying. they're a bit messed up, but adorable. i hope that there'll be no more miscommunications after this.
Comments 43
omg sorry, i'm the lamest person on earth, i'll go hide in a corner or something.
ps: you're jjang!
Jaejoong is really a leopard who cannot change his spots no matter who the person is.
He is such a cock tease.
It is really a cute and funny fic especially the way the morning after conversation went.
I hope you are doing well and fine since I don't see you writing as much.
You must be really busy with uni.
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