Title: An Easy Step to Silence
Author: little zigzags
Rating: R
Pairing: J/D, very minor Josh/Amy, Donna/Cliff, and Donna/Jack
Disclaimer: No money from these beauties.
Spoilers: Through ‘2162 Votes’
Summary: It’s not quite comfort and it’s not quite possession, this thing between them.
dirty pretty things )
Comments 5
My favorite is the one where Josh is driving Donna crazy trying to take care of her after Gaza. I thoguht that I had reached the end when I read the line about his unguarded look. Then I saw this:
He’s looking at her with more tenderness than she knows what to do with. She wonders what it will be like to leave him.
I also loved the scene where she wakes him up on the couch after the convention.
The only one I disagreed with was the one with Bram. I just don't see it. But, as my dad would say: that's what makes horse races.
I would be delighted to friend you, but currently my LJ is not really worth reading. I will try to do better.
PS I'm so lame I don't even have an LJ so I can't "friend" you but be assured you have some lurking fans.
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