Twas an interesting nite... All started out at Brad's house. We went swimming. Brad said i could i invite Geoff so i did.. and sarah wasnt all to pleased
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do you not agree that she is a fucking slut who can't get her own boyrfriend so she dresses like a skank to get guys who blackmail her into having threesomes
dressing like a skank is where thin girls think they can get away with wearing anything so they where like hipster jeans and like tops that like start at their belly buttons and like have major clevage.....or they wear mini skirts that could be used as a belt and stuff....thats sarah
of course she has heaps of clothes because they are all bought from supre where there like $20 for 3 tops.....who couldnt afford to have like 10 tops for that of course she is a skank
ur delusional and too pussy shit to actually say who you are... i am not a skank.. i dont dress like a skank and if u think i dress like a skank then other peoplez out there must be full whores... so shut ur fucking mouth and get a fucking life coz really u are sad and highly pathetic
i think just about EVERYONE wears hipstirs and ur blind if u think people dont... and i neva eva eva wear skirts.. i hate them and think they are shit and seriously every fucking thing that u say is complete bull shit and everyone thinks u are sad and pathetic so i really think u should quit while ur ahead coz trying to make me look bad is really just making urself look sad and pathetic
its you thats cant get a boufriend of your own so you flirt with other peoples....plain and simple....your a do you think rachel and steff feel about it....ever thought of keeping your legs shut and letting them be happy or can't you handle the fact that some guys may not want you make them want you by putting into their heads that you can do thing their girlfriend wouldnt do because they have a brain
I speak on behalf of Steff and I in saying that we have no problem because THERE IS NO FUCKING PROBLEM... Ever heard of a thing called "friendship"?? No, i dont think u have cos ur a pussy that has nothing better to do with their time but bitch bout people ANONYMOUSLY... Get a life, and furthermore get some friends...
Comments 38
haha and i wanna hear funny pay out plleeeeeeeeeease i wanna add it to "list of jasmine's payouts" hehe
i bet she loves all this threesome attention becuase she is still in love with geoff!
of course she has heaps of clothes because they are all bought from supre where there like $20 for 3 tops.....who couldnt afford to have like 10 tops for that of course she is a skank
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