so. there's those times when you (i) have just totally screwed yourself over and you know it and it's going to take all your effort to just dig yourself out of the hole you made up to the surface and in all likelihood you're going to end up with some stuff late and everything half assed? today was one of thsoe times. and it worked out! ha! i took forever doing my spanish homework but ended up with everything done and a good essay written, send an extra credit proposal to my psych teacher, and then, in the 2.5 hours between spanish and psychology, went to the library copied one of hte articles i need went to the hc comp lab printed the other read both of them (mostly) and wrote a 5 page analysis/summar/comparison of them that more or less could be read as filling all of the requirements for the paper and was on time to class!! win!!! it was like heavenly rays were shinging down or something. which at that point they kind of were, since it got sunny. and i was just going to screw the psych quiz because we can drop one and i hadn't done the reading or been to the last lecture class but i ended up acing it anywyas, (it helped taht one of hte three questions was "somethign i am thankful for is...." hahah) and did a sudoku and stayed awake and learned in class and went home kind of looking forward to pumping out the practicum assignment for backcountry that was supposed to be due today and called aaron and he said he thought it was due next week and called jim, sure enough, no paper due today!
so now i just have all the stuff i was behind on before, but oh well. this is probably the last time this will ever happen, the me putting everything off past the last minute and having it work out pretty well thing, so thanks life. a lot.
and just... yeah. lesson i'm taking from last night: it's not pretty when i let myself set on a self pity rant and i shouldn't do it anymore... its fine to feel down or pissed off or whatever, and instead of wallowing in it i shoudl find people to talk to or distract myself or just deal with the problem.
and now its the weekend!!! and people are in town! and........ yea. :)