If you had me alone... locked up in your room and I had to do whatever you wanted me to, what would you do with me? (Seriously, ANYTHING goes, and you won't get in trouble
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I dropped my phone in the cereal this morning when trying to talk and eat and the same time. Of course, my contract allows a new phone in exactly....2 WEEKS! I'm an ass. I'm going to go to verizon now. before i cry.
So, we blew a fuse last night and it fried my computer. I am writing from my new emachine bought from best buy today. i am sad. i lost all my old info. hopefully someone can help save something....even if it is just some of my pictures.
Organized the storage unit yesterday so it makes sense. Organized all the stuff in the boxes so that it's not just all junk boxes and they actually make sense too! YAY ORGANIZATION! Bathroom is done too now. Kitchen is almost. Today shopping for rugs for the hallway to walk in on. My room will be done by the end of the week and the kitchen
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