Told you I'd update later...
Work's going good...except for the other lady in here who isn't computer savvy at all which gets quite aggravating at times, but oh well. They just switched over the way we make appointments so that's making things 10x worse. One of our best techs just quit today, they fired a lot attendant yesterday, and soon they will be playing musical offices with our service of joys.
Well I haven't really had a chance to work on my Cosplay stuffs since I really only have the weekends to do such and every weekend I seem to have other events planned and what not. So after work everyday I'm trying to work on my stuff for Katsucon for an hour...oh wait that's all the time I have to work on anything after I get home from work. So far I have most of the pieces for my Org 13 coat cut out. I have to finish cutting that out tonight and hopefully start sewing tomorrow. Still have to style 3 wigs, make my Wish costume, and my Org 13 PJs. I'll worry about AMA after I'm done with Katsu stuff. I dyed one of the wigs I need to work on just need to style them...still need to buy one of the wigs...
Umm...been sick a bit during December, had to babysit my neighbors kids (ages 2 and 5 months), and well that's about it. I know my life is so...average...or maybe below average. Never have anything really interesting to update about. I got a call from people I used to work with at Little Caesar's. They wanted to know how I was doing. I haven't gone to visit any of them cause I've been so busy on the weekends. I mean it's only been 2 months since I left.
I had a nice Christmas and a good New Year so far...we'll see how that turns out...
Well I think that about covers everything...I think...