Title: Bells
Characters: Jack, Toshiko
Rating/spoilers/warnings: rated G; set pre-series, vaguest of references to 2x12 "Fragments"; possible sappiness warning
Words: 250
Note: written for
consci_fan_mo 2008
Jack found Toshiko hunched over her workstation, as it seemed she had been constantly since arriving at Torchwood. He put a hand on her shoulder. "You haven't been out in the field yet," he said, "and I'd say you've got a lot of time in the sun to make up for."
The excursion gave Tosh a chance to try out modifications to a scanner she had been working on. Not far from the bay area, in the outlet of a storm drain, they located a pair of apple-sized blue spheres, slits down the side and small objects rolling around inside. Tosh was puzzled, but Jack grinned in recognition.
"A musical toy. Think of it like... really complicated sleighbells."
"I can't hear anything. I'm getting ultrasonic readings, though."
"Yeah, if we were bats, we could could hear it. They say it's beautiful."
"Bats say that?" Tosh looked at him shyly but with a twinkle in her eye.
He chuckled and shrugged. "Let's just say I know some folks with really good hearing."
An eager smile was creeping onto Tosh's face. "Alien music. We have to get back to the Hub, I can write a program to translate ultrasonic notes! Jack, this is wonderful, thank you." Suddenly she seemed to realize her enthusiasm and ducked her head apologetically.
"Hey!" he said, chucking her chin gently. "Don't lose that smile, it looks good on you."
She giggled softly, and Jack was certain that nothing the bells could play would sound as pretty.